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Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

Edwin Lefèvre
USD 22.95

圖書標籤: 金融  投資  股票  Livermore  Finance  證券  華爾街  交易   

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Reminiscences of a Stock Operator "… I learned early that there is nothing new in Wall Street. There can’t be because speculation is as old as the hills. Whatever happens in the stock market today has happened before and will happen again. I’ve never forgotten that.… The fact that I remember that way is my way of capitalizing experience." —from Reminiscences of a Stock Operator First published in 1923, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator is the fictionalized biography of Jesse Livermore, one of the greatest speculators who ever lived. Now, more than 70 years later, Reminiscences remains the most widely read, highly recommended investment book ever written. Generations of investors have found that it has more to teach them about themselves and other investors than years of experience in the market. They have also discovered that its trading advice and keen analyses of market price movements ring as true today as in 1923. Jesse Livermore won and lost tens of millions of dollars playing the stock and commodities markets during the early 1900s—at one point making the thenastronomical amount of ten million dollars in just one month of trading. So potent a market force was he in his day that, in 1929, he was widely believed to be the man responsible for causing the Crash. He was forced into seclusion and had to hire a bodyguard. Originally reviewed in The New York Times as a nonfiction book, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator vividly recounts Livermore’s mastery of the markets from the age cf 14. Always good at figures, he learns, early on, that he can predict which way the numbers will go. Starting out with an investment of five dollars, he amasses a fortune by his early twenties and establishes himself as a major player on the Street. He makes his first killing in 1906, selling short on Union Pacific. He goes on to corner the cotton market, and has a million-dollar day Bullish in bear markets and bearish among bulls, he claims that only suckers gamble on the market. The trick, he advises, is to protect yourself by balancing your investments, and selling big on the way down. Livermore goes broke three times, but he comes back each time feeling richer for the learning experience. Offering profound insights into the motivations, attitudes, and feelings shared by every investor, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator is a timeless instructional tale that will enrich the lives—and portfolios—of today’s traders as it has those of generations past. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

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EDWIN LEFÈVRE began writing about Wall Street in 1897. During his career, he wrote eight books, worked for the New York Sun, served as financial editor of Harper's Weekly, and wrote for the Saturday Evening Post.


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A man may beat a stock or a group at a certain time, but no man living can beat the stock market! 另外,個人覺得全書的精華就在第十章裏麵~


in any gamble, it is always the house who wins,而股市就是一場賭博


in any gamble, it is always the house who wins,而股市就是一場賭博







1、损失厌恶:人们总是喜欢确定的收益,讨厌确定的损失。 假定你打开交易软件,发现上周投资的某只股票毫无征兆的涨得非常好,盈利超过50%(持仓成本为16元/股,现在涨到了24元/股),您会如何操作? 大部分人的第一反应是获利退出,落袋为安,部分老司机可能会选择部分卖出,...  


事先声明:本访谈完全子虚乌有,其中的对话只是码哥多年游走江湖跟一些当下高手聊天的点滴积累,有拼凑有整理,其中抽取了许多有益的营养,这些营养曾经也让码哥感悟很多,如今我愿拿出来跟大家一起分享,如有转载请一定注明12码的出处。 作手访谈录1:卖出的学问 作手介绍:老...  


1、不要因为股价过高而不能买入,也不要因为股价过低而不能卖出。 2、如果你选择对了,但忽视了时间之锁也不能赚到钱(买早了,卖晚了),但是买晚了,卖早了同样赚不到钱,这就需要提前预期,然后等待。 3、牛市中的操作策略就是买入并持有。 4、在股票横盘期间不要买入,因为...  


[这不是书评]2012-01-09 查阅了对这本书若干版本的评价,最终选择了地震出版社的。芝麻的译文其实还是挺流畅的,但可能不是市场人士,所以有些个别的地方译得不很贴切,才读了第一章就发现有几处问题。于是准备再买本丁圣元的译作,可是当当和亚马逊都没现货了。然后打算...  


无论在投机交易之路的哪个阶段读这本书,总会有开卷有益的感觉,每次都会发现新的共鸣。 海南出版社使用的译本是从台湾引进。在下面的书摘中,自己会修改一些投机交易行业的惯用语,以符合中国大陆地区的语言习惯。这个版本每一章的标题大都总结的很精辟,值得琢磨。 第一章 ...  

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