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A/B Testing pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
A guide to delivering a better user experience through A/B testing A/B Testing outlines a simple way to test several different versions of a web page with live traffic, and then measure the effect each version has on visitors. Using A/B testing you can determine the most effective way to increase conversion rate-the rate at which visitors convert into customers. The average conversion rate across the web is only 2%. That means 98% of visitors to most websites don't end up converting. Using A/B testing, companies can improve the effectiveness of their marketing and user experience and in doing so can sometimes double or triple their conversion rates. In the past, marketing teams were dependent on IT and engineering to implement A/B tests, and that proved to be a costly bottleneck. Today, the market for A/B testing is growing very fast, in no small part due to this transition from IT to marketing. Offers best practices and lessons learned from over 100,000 experiments run by over 2,000 Optimizely customers Details a roadmap for how to use A/B testing to personalize your customer's web experience and a practical guide to start A/B testing today Authors Dan Siroker and Pete Koomen are cofounders of Optimizely.com, an user-friendly testing system that more than 2,000 organizations use Marketers and web professionals will become obsolete if they don't embrace a data-driven approach to decision making. This book shows you how, no matter your technical expertise.
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看完了发现是 Optimizely CEO 写的书。相比 Optimizely 这个产品,这本书确实很无聊,连个入门书都谈不上。Anyway 翻了一遍,尽管书里的内容几乎没有任何价值,还是在持续读 AB 书的时候,为自己的工作产生了部分的灵感,算是小有收获。比较认同里面说的,一家公司一定要有一个...
評分看完了发现是 Optimizely CEO 写的书。相比 Optimizely 这个产品,这本书确实很无聊,连个入门书都谈不上。Anyway 翻了一遍,尽管书里的内容几乎没有任何价值,还是在持续读 AB 书的时候,为自己的工作产生了部分的灵感,算是小有收获。比较认同里面说的,一家公司一定要有一个...
評分看完了发现是 Optimizely CEO 写的书。相比 Optimizely 这个产品,这本书确实很无聊,连个入门书都谈不上。Anyway 翻了一遍,尽管书里的内容几乎没有任何价值,还是在持续读 AB 书的时候,为自己的工作产生了部分的灵感,算是小有收获。比较认同里面说的,一家公司一定要有一个...
評分看完了发现是 Optimizely CEO 写的书。相比 Optimizely 这个产品,这本书确实很无聊,连个入门书都谈不上。Anyway 翻了一遍,尽管书里的内容几乎没有任何价值,还是在持续读 AB 书的时候,为自己的工作产生了部分的灵感,算是小有收获。比较认同里面说的,一家公司一定要有一个...
評分看完了发现是 Optimizely CEO 写的书。相比 Optimizely 这个产品,这本书确实很无聊,连个入门书都谈不上。Anyway 翻了一遍,尽管书里的内容几乎没有任何价值,还是在持续读 AB 书的时候,为自己的工作产生了部分的灵感,算是小有收获。比较认同里面说的,一家公司一定要有一个...
A/B Testing pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025