图书标签: 绘本 depression 我的忧郁症 心理学 有趣 ElizabethSwados 原版 my
My Depression pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024
A moving memoir in words and pictures of one woman's struggle with the little black cloud of depression pening up the darkest corners of her world, author Elizabeth Swados takes us on an unforgettable journey that is by turns poignant and funny, and will be undoubtedly familiar to those who suffer from depression and those who love them. Through the author's whimsical drawings, readers get a unique view of the experience of depression: from the struggle to keep her condition a secret, to the strange effects of 'new' drugs, to the small things that can trigger relapses. For the thousands of Americans who suffer from depression, My Depression is a gentle reminder that they are not alone and that they can lead a fulfilling and happy life. It is an evocative, readable, and engaging story of an illness that is finally gaining widespread attention.
评分Only when I realized I also have depression, that I began to study and try to find ways to overcome this problem, maybe when we oberve this wrold from another overview can help, many samll things such as reading, chat with confidant, excerise etc., can also have positive meaning. rember to use wisdom and useful sggestion to overcome depression.
评分Only when I realized I also have depression, that I began to study and try to find ways to overcome this problem, maybe when we oberve this wrold from another overview can help, many samll things such as reading, chat with confidant, excerise etc., can also have positive meaning. rember to use wisdom and useful sggestion to overcome depression.
评分我要先说,我没看过这本书。我只是想找点关于抑郁症的东西。在条目里搜索“抑郁”,这是出来的第一个,就拿来用了。 我要写的,是一个很不愿回忆起来的故事。已经事隔两年了。 两年前的这个时候,我刚上大三。一天,旷课半天,去城的另一头,找一个高中时候的好朋友。和我一个...
评分在书店里闲逛的时候,目光被这本《我的抑郁症》牢牢吸引。封面用杂乱的线条勾勒出的简洁的画面,随意但却用心,让我对作者产生一种悠然的信任。 书是用塑料封套的,所以付账的时候还没有像平时一样翻过里面的内容。封套上“著名作家王安忆翻译的第一本书”让我还以为这起码是...
评分 评分本来,是在那个寒冷的夜晚,因为读不进《梵高心理传记》才拿起这本以漫画为主的读本,想要轻松轻松的。 谁知,翻开后才发现,所谓插图,与那些简练的文字背后,隐藏着的是一个被严重抑郁症困扰三十多年的女子的真实心路历程。看似轻松的笔画之下,那是多少困扰纠缠而成...
My Depression pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024