图书标签: 科幻 DouglasAdams 英国 银河系漫游指南 Sci-Fi 英文 小说 道格拉斯·亚当斯
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
--The Washington Post Book World
Facing annihilation at the hands of the warlike Vogons is a curious time to have a craving for tea. It could only happen to the cosmically displaced Arthur Dent and his curious comrades in arms as they hurtle across space powered by pure improbability--and desperately in search of a place to eat.
Among Arthur's motley shipmates are Ford Prefect, a longtime friend and expert contributor to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; Zaphod Beeblebrox, the three-armed, two-headed ex-president of the galaxy; Tricia McMillan, a fellow Earth refugee who's gone native (her name is Trillian now); and Marvin, the moody android who suffers nothing and no one very gladly. Their destination? The ultimate hot spot for an evening of apocalyptic entertainment and fine dining, where the food (literally) speaks for itself.
Will they make it? The answer: hard to say. But bear in mind that the Hitchhiker's Guide deleted the term "Future Perfect" from its pages, since it was discovered not to be!
"What's such fun is how amusing the galaxy looks through Adams' sardonically silly eyes."
--Detroit Free Press
道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Adams,1952—2001),英国著名的科幻小说作家,也是幽默讽刺文学的代表人物、第一个成功结合喜剧和科幻的作家,同时他也是一位广播剧作家和音乐家。他以《银河系搭车客指南》系列出名,这部作品以广播剧起家,后来发展成包括五本书的“三部曲”,拍成电视连续剧。这个系列被西方科幻读者奉为“科幻圣经”之一。由于《银河系搭车客指南》系列小说的突出成就,国际小行星管理委员会甚至还将一颗小行星命名为亚瑟·邓特——该系列的主人公。
I never thought "the end of the universe" was a time instead of a location. Doctor Who seems a bit less cool after I read the book (sad
评分需要番外what happened to Marvin during the three million yrs
评分Hilarious, but...谁能告诉我到底发生了什么
评分don't panic
好吧,看完了,认为翻译偷懒了……这种水平我也能翻出来,凭啥子钱让他赚了?很多地方明显不如原文那么冷笑话,偏失望…… 关于那个“宇宙的主宰”和“针对究极答案的问题”,我实在是orz到不行了。还有马文拦截机械坦克的那一段,orz疯了……超级多的冷笑话,败得不行 当然...
评分一、关于本文 这里是对银河系搭车客五部曲的第二期讨论,谈谈《宇宙尽头的餐馆》中错译和有趣的地方,并进行情节概述(担心剧透可跳过最后一张图): 我会列出一些上海译文出版社姚向辉译本的错误,但不是说译本不好,我觉得译本质量非常高,译者功力深厚,不如说我是因为喜欢...
评分:想怎么死,我成全你。 :慢着,杀我可以,不过得先说明了,我到底死在谁的手里? :废话,我呀。 :我……是……谁…… :我怎么知道你是谁啊? :问题来了吧。 :什么意思啊? :这得从人和宇宙的关系开始讲起了,在你身上一直以来就有一个...
评分 评分Marvin被丢在了废弃的星球上,等了百万个百万年兼顾当餐馆的洗车工(当然洗车的同时他在念叨着那句著名的我的大脑相当于整个行星blahblah...),终于等来了赞福德他们时间旅行到宇宙尽头的餐馆。。。 这不是故事的最重要部分,这是让无数次从第一部银河系漫游指南开始被道格拉斯...
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025