图书标签: 反乌托邦 扎米亚京 小说 Dystopian Literature 科幻 政治 反乌托邦三部曲
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Before Brave New World...
Before 1984...There was...</P>
In the One State of the great Benefactor, there are no individuals, only numbers. Life is an ongoing process of mathematical precision, a perfectly balanced equation. Primitive passions and instincts have been subdued. Even nature has been defeated, banished behind the Green Wall. But one frontier remains: outer space. Now, with the creation of the spaceship Integral, that frontier -- and whatever alien species are to be found there -- will be subjugated to the beneficent yoke of reason. </P>
One number, D-503, chief architect of the Integral, decides to record his thoughts in the final days before the launch for the benefit of less advanced societies. But a chance meeting with the beautiful 1-330 results in an unexpected discovery that threatens everything D-503 believes about himself and the One State. The discovery -- or rediscovery -- of inner space...and that disease the ancients called the soul. </P>
A page-turning SF adventure, a masterpiece of wit and black humor that accurately predicted the horrors of Stalinism, We is the classic dystopian novel. Its message of hope and warning is as timely at the end of the twentieth century as it was at the beginning. </P>
我们。有的时候,这是一个温暖的词,不只是我,还有我们。 但是,当“我们”吞噬了“我”的时候呢? 大三的时候看了《一九八四》,震撼。原来一段历史是可以这样被提前讲述的。我想所有对那段荒唐岁月有所认知的中国人都会以一种不一样的心态去看《一九八四》。奥...
评分在听说有这么一本书的几年后,我终于得到了一本扎米亚京的《我们》,它是这个焚书年代里的文学奇品。在查阅了格列布·斯特鲁韦的《苏俄文学二十年》后,我发现其历史是这样的: 1937年去世于巴黎的扎米亚京是俄罗斯小说家、评论家,他既在十月革命前,也在其后出版过几本书。...
评分《我们》一书成书于1920年(请注意这个时间,1917年俄国爆发十月革命进而建立苏俄),一直没法在苏俄——或者叫苏联——国内出版,1924年在国外以英文版出版,而作者也最终流浪国外客死巴黎。 那些劳什子的什么“焚书时代的文学奇品”(乔治•奥威尔语)之类的话就不说了,在...
评分扎米亚京没有声嘶力竭,相反他用他冷静的笔触描绘了这样一个美好的乌托邦联众国。没有自由,没有痛苦,没有嫉妒,没有人。只有时间表,只有精确如数学的幸福,只有没有拒绝的性,只有众号码们。 当D -503不再是个号码,他在和内心中的另一个自己搏斗。是亲爱的I勾引了他,不道...
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