图书标签: 企管 设计理论 设计 管理 策略 愿景 工业设计 原版
The Experience Economy pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024
You are what you charge for. And if you're competing solely on the basis of price, then you've been commoditized, offering little or no true differentiation. What would your customers really value? Better yet, for what would they pay a premium? Experiences. The curtain is about to rise, say Pine & Gilmore, on the Experience Economy, a new economic era in which every business is a stage, and companies must design memorable events for which they charge admission. With The Experience Economy, Pine & Gilmore explore how successful companies-using goods as props and services as the stage-create experiences that engage customers in an inherently personal way. Why does a cup of coffee cost more at a trendy cafe than it does at the corner diner or when brewed at home? It's the value that the experience holds for the individual that determines the worth of the offering and the work of the business. From online communities to airport parking, the authors draw from a rich and varied mix of examples that showcase businesses in the midst of creating engaging experiences for both consumers and corporate customers. The Experience Economy marks the debut of an insightful, highly original, and yet eminently practical approach for companies to script and stage compelling experiences. In doing so, all workers become actors, intentionally creating specific effects for their customers. And it's the experiences they stage that create memorable-and lasting-impressions that ultimately create transformations within individuals. Make no mistake, say Pine & Gilmore: goods and services are no longer enough. Experiences are the foundation for future economic growth, and The Experience Economy is the playbook from which managers can begin to direct new performances.
B. 约瑟夫•派恩和詹姆斯 H. 吉尔摩是俄亥俄州奥罗拉市战略地平线公司的共同创立人,该公司是一家思想工作室,致力于帮助企业构思和设计创意性方式,通过规模化定制、营造体验、提供真实性和引导变革等手段为企业的经济产出提升价值。两人合著有《揭露消费者的真实需求》,共同编辑的作品有《利用规模化定制创造独特顾客价值》。派恩的作品还包括《大众化定制:商业竞争新领域》和《无限可能性:在数字化前沿创造顾客价值》。派恩是麻省理工学院设计实验室访问学者,设计未来委员会(Design Futures Council)以及欧洲体验经济中心的高级会员,同时他也是这两家机构的共同创办人之一。吉尔摩是弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院的巴顿学人(Batten Fellow)和助理讲师,加州威斯敏斯特神学院护教学访问讲师。
译者简介 毕崇毅 毕业于北京外国语大学,曾就职于美国商务网、华为3Com公司、北京理工大学。长期从事图书翻译和文献资料翻译工作,累计翻译字数超过400万字,代表译作《营销革命3.0:从产品到顾客,再到人文精神》(菲利普•科特勒等著)
评分由于这本书是借阅的港版,所以这篇读书笔记仅是摘抄。 体验营销是经常被挂在嘴边的说辞,但到底是什么?【美】约瑟夫.派恩和詹姆斯.吉尔摩这本10年前的著作《体验经济时代》给出了超乎我们想像的解答。 什么是体验经济? 作者把体验定义为...
评分 评分今天下午一鼓作气把《体验经济珍藏版》读完,获益匪浅,感悟良多。当前中国经济疲软,以钢铁,煤炭,有色金属为主的传统行业遭遇重重危机,破产兼并屡见不鲜,经济增长模式遭遇瓶颈,这表明以高污染,高耗能为主的工业发展方式难以为继。而新兴经济,比如旅游,电影,电商,虚...
The Experience Economy pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024