圖書標籤: 金融 投資 管理 investment 成長 思維 finance 英文原版
The Intelligent Investor pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
<DIV align=center><EM>"This classic text fully conveys the basic principles of [Graham's] enormously successful and popular approach . . . to . . . investing." -Money magazine </EM></DIV>
The classic bestseller by Benjamin Graham, perhaps the greatest investment advisor of the Twentieth Century, The Intelligent Investor has taught and inspired hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Since its original publication in 1949, Benjamin Graham's book has remained the most respected guide to investing, due to his timeless philosophy of "value investing" which helps protect investors against areas of (possible) substantial error, and teaches them to develop long-term strategies with which they will be comfortable down the road.
Over the years, market developments have borne out the wisdom of Benjamin Graham's basic policies. Here he takes account of both the defensive and the enterprising investor, outlining the principles of stock selection for each, and stressing the advantages of a simple portfolio policy. This tape demonstrates that the continued success of common stocks cannot be taken for granted. Among its special features are the use of numerous comparisons of pairs of common stocks to bring out their elements of strength and weakness, and also the construction of investment portfolios designed to meet specific requirements of quality and price attractiveness.
Benjamin Graham (1894-1976), the father of value investing, was perhaps the most influential investor of all time. His books are investment classics, with The Intelligent Investor (first published in 1949) and Securities Analysis (1934) selling steadily. His life and work have been inspiration for many of today's most successful businessmen, including Warren Buffett.
Bill McGowan, a two-time Emmy award winner, has been a corespondent and anchor for several nationally syndicated television series over the past decade. </P>
本傑明•格雷厄姆(Benjamin Graham,1894~1976年)美國經濟學傢和投資思想傢,投資大師, “現代證券分析之父”, 價值投資理論奠基人。格雷厄姆生於倫敦,成長於紐約,畢業於哥倫比亞大學。著有《證券分析》(1934年)和《聰明的投資者》(1949年),這兩本書被公認為“劃時代的、裏程碑式的投資聖經”,至今仍極為暢銷。格雷厄姆不僅是沃倫•巴菲特就讀哥倫比亞大學經濟學院的研究生導師,而且被巴菲特膜拜為其一生的“精神導師”,“血管裏流淌的血液80%來自於格雷厄姆”。格雷厄姆在投資界的地位,相當於物理學界的愛因斯坦,生物學界的達爾文。作為一代宗師,他的證券分析學說和思想在投資領域産生瞭極為巨大的震動,影響瞭幾乎三代重要的投資者。如今活躍在華爾街的數十位上億的投資管理人都自稱為格雷厄姆的信徒,因此,享有“華爾街教父”的美譽。
賈森•茲威格(Jason Zweig)《華爾街日報》投資與個人理財高級專欄作傢。早先,他曾是《貨幣》雜誌和《時代周刊》的資深專欄記者,《福布斯》共同基金專欄主編。從1987年他開始撰寫投資方麵的文章,是華爾街有影響力的資深財經傳媒記者。
評分看完的結論是,我永遠不可能成為aggressive investors。女怕入錯行@@
評分看完的結論是,我永遠不可能成為aggressive investors。女怕入錯行@@
最近看了些关于这书的评论,大致都是:此书中格雷厄姆的思想大致可以归类为两个,一个叫市场波动,一个叫安全边际。话虽如此。。这是一本古老得不停再版的书,里面说一般投资原理,多数人都知道了,呼喊着说“老子要学价值投资”,翻掉专门的那两章去看结论,有用么? 那这书...
評分前言中,巴菲特写到要想获得长期投资的成功,“What's needed is a sound intellectual framework for making decisions and the ability to keep emotions from corroding that framework. This book precisely and clearly prescribes the proper framework. You must supply...
評分以此作为今年读书的暂结。 重读,真正打动我的是一句话:买入好企业,忘掉股市。 一句话,够了。 忘掉。 居然太短无法发表。 忘掉股市,恰恰不能忘的是企业。在合理的价格买入,确实应该忘掉股市。再说一遍,这不是自我安慰,而是事实如此,的确如此,只能如此。企业的成长会把...
評分可以说,贯穿整本书,格雷厄姆所要告诉读者的是:如何不愚蠢地投资。在投资成功者的光环覆盖所有普通家庭,每个人都疯狂地认为投资即可赚钱的时代,这本书的内容却是告诉读者,什么样的投资会亏损,是愚蠢的投资,不要去效仿,然后才提及如何聪明地投资。 全书并没有涉及复杂...
The Intelligent Investor pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025