图书标签: Politics 政治 彭定康 香港 英國 历史 鄂圖曼-土耳其 美國
Not Quite the Diplomat pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
There is a trendency to talk and wrute about foreign policy and world affairs as though they were the preserve of an expert priessthood. They are not. They involve all of us, and they are understandable-shorn of jargon by all of us. We can change the world for the better. But we need to understand it first.
you will find the fact that a little governor from the UK has real understanding of the world and how to manage a city. Politician is not manufactured in Asia
评分書在書架上放了好一段日子,看的時候,英國廣播公司(BBC) 選出了戴卓爾夫人為二十世紀英國最佳首相,壓倒一代名相邱吉爾;書剛讀完了,國家總理溫家寶正要出訪歐洲,出席亞歐峰會前他接受時代雜誌記者Jane Macartney訪問,稱此行希望能加強雙邊聯係,確保合作關係不受人事更替和個別事情影響。 眾所周知,當年彭定康在保守黨內是倒鐵娘子要員,在書內,他亳不諱言公開與私下經常與戴卓爾夫人意見相左,他稱政治思想所謂的戴卓爾主義是誇大了她所幹的,她只是一個幸運的政治人(politician),如果她善加利用她的幸
评分you will find the fact that a little governor from the UK has real understanding of the world and how to manage a city. Politician is not manufactured in Asia
评分you will find the fact that a little governor from the UK has real understanding of the world and how to manage a city. Politician is not manufactured in Asia
评分you will find the fact that a little governor from the UK has real understanding of the world and how to manage a city. Politician is not manufactured in Asia
杨澜专访末代港督彭定康:不平凡的人生 2006年09月27日09:33 【字号 大 中 小】【留言】【论坛】【打印】【关闭】 新华网专稿:香港《广角镜》月刊9月号刊登一篇专访彭定康的文章,题为《后港督生活——专访彭定康》。彭定康作为最后一任港督,围绕他的是是...
评分陶杰 彭定康的英语智慧 2006-9-18星期一(Monday)晴? 彭定康的英语智慧 彭定康来香港推销新书《非常政治家》(Not Quite the Diplomat),评论了两句销售税的问题,财政司司长唐英年点名回击,反遭彭定康奚落。至于曾荫权,彭定康也说尽好话,但明显是对陈方安生褒...
评分書在書架上放了好一段日子,看的時候,英國廣播公司(BBC) 選出了戴卓爾夫人為二十世紀英國最佳首相,壓倒一代名相邱吉爾;書剛讀完,國家總理溫家寶正要出訪歐洲,出席亞歐峰會前他接受時代雜誌記者Jane Macartney訪問,稱此行希望能加強雙邊聯係,確保合作關係不受人事更替和...
评分杨澜专访末代港督彭定康:不平凡的人生 2006年09月27日09:33 【字号 大 中 小】【留言】【论坛】【打印】【关闭】 新华网专稿:香港《广角镜》月刊9月号刊登一篇专访彭定康的文章,题为《后港督生活——专访彭定康》。彭定康作为最后一任港督,围绕他的是是...
评分書在書架上放了好一段日子,看的時候,英國廣播公司(BBC) 選出了戴卓爾夫人為二十世紀英國最佳首相,壓倒一代名相邱吉爾;書剛讀完,國家總理溫家寶正要出訪歐洲,出席亞歐峰會前他接受時代雜誌記者Jane Macartney訪問,稱此行希望能加強雙邊聯係,確保合作關係不受人事更替和...
Not Quite the Diplomat pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025