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Zoe Heller juggles journalism and novel-writing successfully in Notes on a Scandal and manages to say something interesting and complex about moral panics and the people who get caught up in them.
Pottery teacher Sheba lets herself be talked into an affair with 15-year-old pupil Connolly; part of what is admirable about this novel is that there is no real attempt to extenuate this--it's wrong and she knows this from the start, enough to lie to herself and others about it. It's an abuse of her very limited power--he is one of the few of her pupils interested in art, not interested in perpetually disrupting her lessons.
Sheba is not alone in abusing power, though, and Heller forces us to confront this unpleasant truth about the moralising, managerial headmaster, the husband freed by Sheba's action to seduce his own very slightly older students, and the relatives who never liked her much and can now disown her. Above all, she devotes most of the novel to Barbara, the older colleague who becomes Sheba's confidante and slowly manipulates the situation to make Sheba entirely dependent on her. This is a brilliantly gloomy study in obsession--and the obsession in question is not actually Sheba's with her underage lover. --Roz Kaveney --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Zoe Heller's second novel is the sort of book you get through in one sitting. It's centred around Barbara and Sheba, teachers at St George's, where Sheba, the new pottery teacher, livens up the proceedings at the school, first with her charisma and then with her affair with a student. Barbara, the 'incubus' as she is described, is an uncomfortable and stifling woman, but her humanity has her jumping out of the page at you: you've met her before, you didn't like her and were probably scared of her. Both women are very ordinary, making their complex psychologies all the more disturbing. In fact, all of Heller's characters are alarmingly recognizable, and the situations so familiar and real that you feel as though you are intruding upon something dangerous; the more you read the more you want to hide from the plot and the people she has created. The 'notes on a scandal' are Barbara's account of events as Sheba's circumstances hurtle out of control, with Barbara her unflinching, irrepressible stalwart, her 'notes' providing a turning point in the pair's unhealthy and compelling relationship. On the surface, Sheba may appear to be the only guilty party but those around, including her husband, other teachers and the media, all have a part to play in or something to gain from her downfall. Heller has written about the power of passion and the horrors of repression in an earthy, stingingly humorous satire that puts every other book of this ilk in the shadows. This novel is guaranteed to have you hooked from the first word to the last. Simply genius. (Kirkus UK)
卓伊·海勒(Zöe Heller),生於倫敦,記者、作傢。作品散見於《星期日獨立報》、《星期日泰晤士報》、《名利場》、《紐約客》、《泰晤士報文學增刊》等。1993年後遷居紐約。2002年因《每日電訊報》的專欄獲得英國“年度專欄作傢”奬。2003年小說《醜聞筆記》入圍英國小說的最高奬項——布剋奬決選名單。
loneliness & obsession
評分感覺電影改編得比較好,但是電影中對Barbara這個形象並不公正,將一個選擇不結婚的單身老女人醜化成一個有心理疾病的、病態的cat lady。
評分loneliness & obsession
評分loneliness & obsession
評分loneliness & obsession
卓伊•海勒(Zöe Heller)的小说《丑闻笔记》入围2003年英国布克奖决选;同名电影获2007年第79届奥斯卡奖4项提名。小说里,40岁女教师希芭和15岁男学生康纳利展开一段不伦之恋。恋情曝光,舆情沸腾,希芭被控“猥亵男童”,身败名裂,康纳利也跟她分手。希芭的同事芭芭拉...
評分 評分希芭这个人物作为一种附属物又不得不安排作为全书的主导人物贯穿整部作品之中。她的出场与结尾,判若两人。从她母亲对她的控制、家庭的氛围、教育再到身为人妻人母中在自己家庭中所扮演的角色,就可以间接的把这个人物的主要缺陷勾勒出大概的轮廓。希芭最后如何是好?重要吗?...
評分 評分在我看来,这本书借一个不伦之恋的外壳,要探讨的是这样一个问题:到底要如何在这个“现代世界”上生存?是希芭式?还是芭芭拉式? 在老姑婆芭芭拉看来,美丽的希芭“心满意足,快乐无比,简直是现代生活的一个奇迹”——那就意味着是在说:现代生活不允许奇迹。 希芭曾经这...
Notes on a Scandal pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025