图书标签: 达摩流浪者 杰克·克鲁亚克 垮掉的一代 小说 旅行 Kerouac 美国 外国文学
The Dharma Bums pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Two ebullient young men search for Truth the Zen way: from marathon wine-drinking bouts, poetry jam sessions, and "yabyum" in San Francisco's Bohemia to solitude in the high Sierras and a vigil atop Desolation Peak in Washington State. Published just a year after On the Road put the Beat Generation on the map, The Dharma Bums is sparked by Kerouac's expansiveness, humor, and a contagious zest for life.
One of the best and most popular of Kerouac's autobiographical novels, The Dharma Bums is based on experiences the writer had during the mid-1950s while living in California, after he'd become interested in Buddhism's spiritual mode of understanding. One of the book's main characters, Japhy Ryder, is based on the real poet Gary Snyder, who was a close friend and whose interest in Buddhism influenced Kerouac
Jack Kerouac was born Jean-Louis Lebris de Kerouac on March 12, 1922, in Lowell, Massachusetts. Jack Kerouac's writing career began in the 1940s, but didn't meet with commercial success until 1957, when On the Road was published. The book became an American classic that defined the Beat Generation. Kerouac died on October 21, 1969, from an abdominal hemorrhage, at age 47.
...in fact Japhy mentioned that, turning to me after a half-hour's silence, "This is the way I like it, when you get going there's just no need to talk, as if we were animals and just communicated by silent telepathy."
评分perfect for cali
评分终于读了英文版 快六年了
说起《达摩流浪者》就不能不提《在路上》,这两本指南针一般的书,为克鲁亚克在美国文学史上留下了不可磨灭的丰碑!也在“垮掉的一代”的心里刻下了的最为浓重一笔! 记得当年读《在路上》正是反叛自由颠覆生活的高潮。被热辣辣的文字折磨了好久,阅读完毕脚底板就开始发痒,...
评分旅途是适合思索的状态,尤其是孤独的旅途。 从《在路上》,到《荒凉天使》,到《达摩流浪者》。看凯鲁亚克的书就是看在他反反复复来来回回不知所向不知所终的路途中的思想迸发,一个人在无法确信和表达自己的思考的时候,可以通过别人的提示来进行,尽管这个人生活在与我们完...
评分回来了,带着剩下的十二块7毛,依旧被风刮倒了然后沾满泥的帐篷,装在八喜冰激凌带子里的登山鞋和晒蜕皮的脸还有五天没刮的络腮胡子,真TM给力。 回来的时候运气好到爆,原来现在的动车还有卧铺车厢改的,补了个无座然后进到软卧车厢后爬到二楼蜗居起来,把达摩流浪者...
评分“永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶” 当你试图放弃一个你知道是正确的事情的时候,希望你能再看看这句话。 这句话是罗永浩在《我的奋斗》一书中,写给年轻人的忠告。很喜欢永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶这句话。书中提到它是摘录至凯鲁亚克的书。便用百度搜索得知其出于杰克·凯鲁亚...
The Dharma Bums pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025