图书标签: Hayek 传记 libertarianism 历史 传记掌故 人物 英文原版 传记掌故和随笔
Friedrich Hayek pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The once commonly held idea that central direction of the economy by the government is a more efficient and fair method to allocate resources than a free market is now almost universally discredited, in no small part due to the works of Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992). In the first full biography of this visionary thinker, Alan Ebenstein chronicles Hayek's life, works and legacy from his early years in fin-de-siecle Vienna to his career as a Nobel Prize-winning economist, political philosopher and leading public intellectual. Providing in-depth, critical and accessible accounts of Hayek's major works and how they came to be written, Ebenstein gives us a much richer understanding of the personal, historical and intellectual circumstances surrounding such classics as "The Road to Serfdom", "Law, Legislation and Liberty" and "The Fatal Conceit". In so doing he sheds new light on Hayek's risky, often lonely, but ultimately triumphant struggle to alert the world to the economic and political dangers of classical socialism and the virtues of free markets, free ideas and free societies.
哈耶克是典型的通才型学者,经济学洞见发扬了奥地利学派的理论,其代表作《通往奴役之路》也开社会学领域风气之先,深刻揭示了凯恩斯主义和极权主义之间天然的纽带。 哈耶克是一位积极入世的学者,他的理论被撒切尔夫人领导的保守党政府奉为圭臬,并成功帮助英国摆脱二战后经济...
评分 评分哈耶克毕其一生都在与社会主义者、福利国家、计划体制做斗争,在寻求真理的一生中有诸多精彩丰富的经历,无论是恩师米塞斯在学术、思想、生活的恩惠,还是他与凯恩斯亦敌亦友的关系,还有他组织的朝圣山学社这个诞生若干个诺贝尔经济学奖的团体,还有他晚年为寻求年轻时错过的...
评分约翰·斯图亚特·穆勒(John Stuart Mill),19世纪英国著名经济学家和哲学家,詹姆斯·穆勒的长子。(摘自Wiki) —— 搞了半天,书中的“密尔”就是小穆勒,那个据说是人类有史以来智商最高的家伙!我等粗人,只知重印N次、风靡19世纪的《政治经济学原理》,还不知道其原来也是...
评分Friedrich Hayek pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025