Classification Theory (Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics)
Classification Theory and the Number of Non-Isomorphic Models, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics
Classification Theory for Abstract Elementary Classes
Classification Theory for Abstract Elementary Classes
Classification Struggles, Course of General Sociology, Volume 1
Classification, Parameter Estimation and State Estimation
Classification of Rocks (Quarterly of the Colorado School of Mines volume 50, No. 1)
Classification and Probabilistic Representation of the Positive Solutions of a Semilinear Elliptic Equation (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Series No. 798)
Classification of the Geometrina of North America (1896)
Classification, clustering and data analysis
Classification des Groupes Algébriques Semi-simples
Classification System for Church Libraries
Classification and regression trees (The Wadsworth statistics/probability series)
Classification of Nursing Diagnoses Nanda
Classification of Living and Nonliving Things
Classification of Mammals
Classification of Chronic Pain
Classification and Learning Using Genetic Algorithms
Classification And Clustering for Knowledge Discovery