图书标签: 死亡学 哲学 医学 临终关怀
Making the Rounds with Oscar pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The extraordinary -- and true -- story of a cat with a remarkable giftIn the summer of 2007 Oscar the cat made headlines around the world. Why? Because he knows when the patients in the Rhode Island hospice where he lives are going to die. Oscar curls up on their beds, keeps them company and enables the families to be with their loved ones at the end. Dr David Dosa's job is to respond to people's medical needs, treat them for their ailments and communicate with their families. Oscar takes care of the rest. He is a steady companion and, because of him, patients don't die alone. Can a cat really predict death? Is he smelling something or responding to behavioural clues? Is he helping guide souls to heaven? Oscar's warm and profound story is heartfelt, sometimes even funny, but always inspiring.
醫學博士 大衛.多薩 (Dr. David Dosa)
專研老人醫學,擔任「史提爾安養暨復建中心」醫師,並在布朗大學醫學院任教。二○○七年七月,多薩醫師在《新英格蘭醫學期刊》(The New England Journal of Medicine)發表專文〈貓咪奧斯卡的一天〉(A Day in the Life of Oscar the Cat),獲得廣大迴響。許多讀者去信表示很喜歡這隻神祕而溫馨的貓咪。有讀者提到,希望自己或親人臨終時,也有奧斯卡的守護與陪伴。為了完整述說奧斯卡的故事,並讓讀者進一步認識失智症、老化、生死等課題,多薩醫師進而寫成本書。
Making the Rounds with Oscar pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025