图书标签: Mapplethorpe Smith Robert Patti
Just Kids pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024
A prelude to fame, Just Kids recounts the friendship of two young artists--Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe - whose passion fueled their lifelong pursuit of art. In 1967, a chance meeting between two young people led to a romance and a lifelong friendship that would carry each to international success never dreamed of. The backdrop is Brooklyn, Chelsea Hotel, Max's Kansas City, Scribner's Bookstore, Coney Island, Warhol's Factory and the whole city resplendent. Among their friends, literary lights, musicians and artists such as Harry Smith, Bobby Neuwirth, Allen Ginsberg, Sandy Daley, Sam Shepherd, William Burroughs, etc. It was a heightened time politically and culturally; the art and music worlds exploding and colliding. In the midst of all this two kids made a pact to always care for one another. Scrappy, romantic, committed to making art, they prodded and provided each other with faith and confidence during the hungry years--the days of cous-cous and lettuce soup. Just Kids begins as a love story and ends as an elegy. Beautifully written, this is a profound portrait of two young artists, often hungry, sated only by art and experience. And an unforgettable portrait of New York, her rich and poor, hustlers and hellions, those who made it and those whose memory lingers near.
帕蒂•史密斯(Patti Smith,1946~ ):作家、音乐家及视觉艺术家,最伟大的摇滚歌手之一,于2007年入选摇滚名人堂。
1970年代,帕蒂•史密斯革命性地将诗歌与摇滚结合,开创了一个朋克摇滚时代。首张专辑《马群》,被尊为史上最伟大的100张专辑之一。封面肖像由罗伯特•梅普尔索普(Rober Mapplethorpe)拍摄。至今已出版12张专辑。
1980年,帕蒂•史密斯与弗雷德•索尼克•史密斯(Fred “Sonic” Smith)在底特律结婚。1994年,弗雷德去世。现在,帕蒂•史密斯与她的儿子杰克逊、女儿杰西一起生活在纽约。
今天看见某位年轻朋友说起某个夏天的半夜泪流满面地看完just kids,才想起自己也是在那样的下午那样的看完了它。
评分实是泪流满面. "Dear Robert ... that of all your work, you are still your most beautiful. The most beautiful work of all." 心底至软至坚处,总会是你。
评分实是泪流满面. "Dear Robert ... that of all your work, you are still your most beautiful. The most beautiful work of all." 心底至软至坚处,总会是你。
评分实是泪流满面. "Dear Robert ... that of all your work, you are still your most beautiful. The most beautiful work of all." 心底至软至坚处,总会是你。
评分实是泪流满面. "Dear Robert ... that of all your work, you are still your most beautiful. The most beautiful work of all." 心底至软至坚处,总会是你。
节日期间快速读了,快速地流了几滴泪。 想起一句歌词,有一天我哭了,是因为我老了,变得很脆弱。 ……如果有一天他们平静了,是不是也因为老了,不得不分别? 如果有足够亲密和共同承担的人,世界会改变结构。 他们的小世界,别人是进不去的,但也不完全闭合,各有缺口,各...
评分看 Patti 的文字,我总是想到另外一本书,《Call me by your name》,不是故事有任何相似之处,而是一个人描写另一个人,如果是爱人,是会带着光的。甚至整本书,都像是给那个年代,那段回忆,以及 Robert 的,一封情书。Patti 笔下的 Robert 太美好,想要描写艺术家不容易,而...
评分曾经有人这样对我说:“我想死在你怀里,在我还活着的时候。” 这似乎是一句不太合乎逻辑但又十分感动的话,不敢肯定那时的我或她是生还是死了。待我怔怔地缓过神来,还是有些被确凿的心痛抓住了,在意识离开身体之前,我还拥在她的怀里,或者将她搂在我的怀里。温暖。醇静。忘...
评分 评分译者后记写的很妙。 “那些如雷贯耳的名字、光怪陆离的场景,尽管令人兴奋,但在一条追寻自由的小路上也只是斑驳的光影。这不是漂亮话。即便没有贴身走在这条路上,你也一样能够感受,这个故事里,真正让你难以释怀的,其实是那份无以代受的哀乐和了不可得的聚散。在这件事上,...
Just Kids pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024