美國老師教你說齣好英文 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024



圖書標籤: 英語學習  教育  英語口語  英語  oral  1   

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美國老師教你說齣好英文 epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2024

美國老師教你說齣好英文 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024


《美國老師教你說齣好英文》內容簡介:You are holding in your hand a book that will most likely change the way you think about learning and speaking English.The fact that you bought this book is proof you really want to improve your spoken English.You have studied English under many different teachers,probably all very skilled.You have taken English exams.You've studied with lots of English textbooks,but you are not satisfied with your present ability to communicate in English.Nowyou have chosen to read a book that will take you beyond classroom and textbook study,intothe real world of freely speaking English.

Although I've taught Oral English classes for more than twelve years,I prefer to call them byanother name.I like to refer to those classes,and the topic of this book,as EnglishCommunication.Why do we study a foreign language? For that matter,why do we even learnour own mother language? ls it not for the purpose of communicating with other people? Whatabout English?

People all over the world are learning English so they can communicate with people fromEnglish speaking countries.They also study Engtish to talk with non-native English speakers fromother nations who have learned to speak English.The purpose of language is communication.Therefore,in this book sometimes the words Oral English or Spoken English are replaced withEnglish Communication.That's why we learn language to communicate with people.

Lots of people in China study English.Far less people can actually communicate well in thislanguage.Some are satisfied with high exam scores.Others just want to pass their Englishclasses so they can move on to other courses.Many people are only interested in being able toread English,especially if they have to read English instructions for their jobs or understandEnglish on the computer.These are all good reasons to study English,but the contents of thisbook are designed for people like you: People who are not satisfied with just passing examsand reading,people who are eager to go out and really commuhicate with this language.

You are reading this book,instead of just studying another textbook: This shows that you arenow ready to take the next step toward successful English commuhication.Fluentcommunication takes more than just studying.It takes action.It requires taking the actions youare preparing to read about in the following chapters.

The methods for improving your English communication skills in this book are notcomplicated.They are not meant to be complicated because the best ways to improve oralEnglish are not complicated.In fact,most of this book is written in very simple English.There's no need to make your training any more complex than it needs to be.I often tell mystudents,Spoken English is not complicated,but it isn't easy either.It's simple,but hardwork.It does require self-discipline but it doesn't have to be so complex that nobody canfigure out what it means.

In my experience teaching English in China,I have found that some of the worst Englishspeakers were also the most complex ones.I've tried to make them understand that simple isbetter,but they are not willing to listen.They have believed for years that complicated is morescholarly.Sadly,those students will never be good English communicators.They are theones who will just read a few chapters of this book,then throw it aside and proudly say,This book is too simple.They will go back to their complicated scholarly books andcontinue becoming worse and worse at speaking natural English.

On the other hand,there are wise people,like you,who will see the simplicity of this bookand honestly say,Maybe this foreigner really does know what he is talking about.I'll give ita try.These people may or may not already be good at speaking English,but they have abright future of fluently and freely communicating in English.They don't care if proud peoplelook down on them for their simple approach.They are not worried about higher exam scoresof their classmates.They are willing to try the methods in this book,and,while the others arejust becoming more complicated,they will become the best English communicators in China.- or,where ever in the world they want to go.

As you read this handy guide,I hope you will feel my heart.I hope you will realize.th:at Ilove China and Chinese people.I really want you to succeed.The whole world is speakingEnglish today,and I want you,my Chinese friend,to be one of the best of those English.speakers.I want you to go out and communicate freely with the rest of the world.I wantYOU to be able to effectively use English in your job.Whether you go abroad or make friendswith intemational visitors in China,I want YOUR English conversations to be fluent andnatural.As you read this book and try these methods,I invite YOU to join me in the great adventure of the real world of English communication!

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美國密歇根州人,畢業於維京國際大學,取得瞭國際關係碩士學位。l995年初次到中國,隨後在呼和浩特執教,1998年移居北京,目前-5妻子G raceIynn和一雙兒女居住在此。時任中國人民大學的專職外教,及北京《環球時報》英語版的viewpoint欄目專欄作傢。獨著《有朋自遠方來》。與人閤著《視聽說教程》多年來一直專注於幫助中國的學生提高英語交際能力。擁有在中國執教12年的豐富經驗,教過多門英語課程。所教學生涵蓋中學生至博士生、企業中高層主管及大學教授等。他和妻子還曾在中國西部城市蘭州辦有一個專教孤殘兒童的小型英語學校。喜歡高能最運動,包括衝浪、滑雪、爬山、野營、打橄欖球、遊泳、騎車等。也很喜歡感受不同的文化氛圍和旅行。目前已經遊曆過墨西哥、加拿大、意大利、巴布亞新幾內亞、巴基斯坦、日本、韓國、中國等國傢。


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很久以前在對麵書店買的⋯⋯內容跟我想的完全不一樣,沒有什麼具體的,都是“要熱愛英語”“不要羞於開口”這類口號性的⋯⋯真不知道他是怎麼扯成一本書的。哦對瞭,這還是中英雙語對照讀物= =


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