圖書標籤: 【2015】 @kindle
The Age of Empathy pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
An important and timely message about the biological roots of human kindness.
—Desmond Morris, author of The Naked Ape
Are we our brothers' keepers? Do we have an instinct for compassion? Or are we, as is often assumed, only on earth to serve our own survival and interests? In this thought-provoking book, the acclaimed author of Our Inner Ape examines how empathy comes naturally to a great variety of animals, including humans.
By studying social behaviors in animals, such as bonding, the herd instinct, the forming of trusting alliances, expressions of consolation, and conflict resolution, Frans de Waal demonstrates that animals–and humans–are "preprogrammed to reach out." He has found that chimpanzees care for mates that are wounded by leopards, elephants offer "reassuring rumbles" to youngsters in distress, and dolphins support sick companions near the water's surface to prevent them from drowning. From day one humans have innate sensitivities to faces, bodies, and voices; we've been designed to feel for one another.
De Waal's theory runs counter to the assumption that humans are inherently selfish, which can be seen in the fields of politics, law, and finance, and whichseems to be evidenced by the current greed-driven stock market collapse. But he cites the public's outrage at the U.S. government's lack of empathy in the wake of Hurricane Katrina as a significant shift in perspective–one that helped Barack Obama become elected and ushered in what may well become an Age of Empathy. Through a better understanding of empathy's survival value in evolution, de Waal suggests, we can work together toward a more just society based on a more generous and accurate view of human nature.
Written in layman's prose with a wealth of anecdotes, wry humor, and incisive intelligence, The Age of Empathy is essential reading for our embattled times.
From the Hardcover edition.
荷蘭著名的心理學傢、動物學傢和生態學傢,現為美國艾默裏大學靈長類動物行為學教授,1993年當選為荷蘭皇傢藝術與科學院院士,之後相繼入選美國國傢科學院院士及美國藝術與科學院院士,2007年被美國《時代》周刊選為當今世界具有巨大影響的百位世界文化名人,以及目 前在世的全球最偉大的十幾個科學傢之一,主要著作有《黑猩猩的政治》、《類人猿與壽司大師》、《靈長類動物如何謀求和平》以及《人類的猿性》等。
先厘清一个概念,“共情”不是“同情”。“共情”是情感的本能反应,是对他人境遇的设身处地的感受。“同情”是对此做出的理性的、逻辑的反应。所以sheldon是个完全没有共情力的人。但他会在别人心情不好时,递上一杯热饮表示“同情”。 我受《自私的基因》以及进化心理...
評分一、一个瓜瓤 在很多年前的一个夏日傍晚,我曾在一个公交站焦虑地等着公交车。但那车迟迟等不来,让人越发难受。无所事事之时,四下张望,看到一个西瓜摊上,一个农民模样的人正在拿出半个西瓜,仔仔细细地撕下保鲜膜,然后用刀又仔仔细细地把露在最外面的一层西瓜瓤切掉。再...
評分“换位思考”也好,“感同身受”也罢,“设身处地”也好,其实都可以用另一个词来替换,这个词就是《共情时代》这本书的主题——共情心。 本书作者弗朗斯·德瓦尔是荷兰著名的心理学家、动物学家和生态学家。2007年,德瓦尔被美国《时代》周刊选为当今世界具有巨大影响的百位世...
評分在生物体的自然属性的基础上,还有什么是我们的与生俱来?长久以来,在物竞天择、适者生存的演化论的影响下,竞争与厮杀变得理所应当。不是吗?我们的老祖宗不是经过这样的强弱遴选才活下来的吗?我们的存在不也是与未知的兄弟姐妹竞争之后的侥幸吗? 弗朗斯﹒德瓦尔在《共...
評分“换位思考”也好,“感同身受”也罢,“设身处地”也好,其实都可以用另一个词来替换,这个词就是《共情时代》这本书的主题——共情心。 本书作者弗朗斯·德瓦尔是荷兰著名的心理学家、动物学家和生态学家。2007年,德瓦尔被美国《时代》周刊选为当今世界具有巨大影响的百位世...
The Age of Empathy pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024