圖書標籤: 文化研究 文化研究, 英文版 英文書 社會學 社會 政治 culture
Cultural Studies in the Future Tense pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Lawrence Grossberg is one of the leading figures in cultural studies internationally. In Cultural Studies in the Future Tense, he offers a powerful critique of the present state of cultural studies and, more broadly, of the intellectual left, especially in the Anglo-American academy. He develops a vision for the future of cultural studies as conjunctural analysis, a radically contingent and contextual study of the articulations of lived, discursive, and material contexts. Proposing a compelling analysis of the contemporary political problem-space as a struggle over modernity, he suggests the possibility of multiple ways of being modern as an analytic and imaginative frame. He develops an ontology of the modern as the potentialities of multiple configurations of temporalities and spatialities, differences, territorialities, and powers, and argues that euro-modernity is a specific geohistorical realization of this complex diagram. Challenging the euro-modern fragmentation of the social formation, he discusses the rigorous conceptual and empirical work that cultural studies must dooincluding rethinking fundamental concepts such as economy, culture, and politics as well as modernityoto reinvent itself as an effective political-intellectual project. This book offers a vision of a contemporary cultural studies that embraces complexity, rigorous interdisciplinary practice and experimental collaborations in an effort to better explain the present in the service of the imagination of other futures and the struggles for social transformation.
勞倫斯﹒格羅斯伯格 美國具有巨大影響力的文化研究、大眾文化研究、傳媒研究學者,齣生於紐約布魯剋林。1968年在美國羅切斯特大學隨海登?懷特學習,獲哲學與曆史學位,後進入英國伯明翰大學當代文化研究中心(CCCS),師從理查德?霍加特以及斯圖亞特?霍爾。迴到美國後,在伊利諾伊大學學習,師從詹姆斯?凱瑞教授,1976年獲得博士學位。畢業後在伊利諾伊大學開始瞭執教生涯,1990年獲評傳媒學教授。1994年來到美國北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校任傳媒研究教授,現為傳媒研究傑齣教授,文化研究中心主任。他在國際文化研究界影響廣泛,從1990年開始就負責主編文化研究界的知名學術刊物《文化研究》(Cultural Studies)及另一份學術刊物《大眾文化》(Public Culture)。他著作頗豐,如《文化研究導論》(1992 )等書已成為文化研究必不可少的工具書。從某種意義上說,格羅斯伯格把文化研究帶到瞭美國,又利用自身的影響力把美國文化研究帶到瞭世界。
Cultural Studies in the Future Tense pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025