Part One An Overview of the EssayI What Is an Essay 1 The Basic Structure of an Essay 2 Essays in Different Types of Writing 1) Narration and the narrative essay 2) Description and the descriptive essay 3) Exposition and the expository essay 4) Argumentation and the persuasive essayII What Is a Research PaperPart Two Writing an EssayI Planning and Shaping the Essay 1 Choosing and Limiting a Topic 1) Choosing a topic 2) Limiting the topic 2 Determining Our Purpose and Audience 1) Determining our purpose and writing a statement of purpose 2) Identifying our audience and adjusting our tone 3 Gathering Material 4 Formulating a Thesis Statement 1) Elements of the thesis statement 2) Functions of the thesis statement 3) Advantages of an early thesis statement 4) Locations of the thesis statement 5) Some reminders when writing our thesis statement 5 Organizing and Outlining the Essay 1) Qualities of outline 2) Types of outline 3) Rules for writing an outlineⅡ Drafting the Essay 1 Writing the Introductory Paragraph 2 Writing the Concluding Paragraph 3 Gaining Unity and Coherence 4 Developing the Essay by Different Patterns of Organization 1) Developing the essay by process—and—analysis 2) Developing the essay by division-and-classification 3) Developing the essay by cause-and-effect 4) Developing the essay by comparison—and—contrast 5) Developing the essay by exemplification 6) Developing the essay by definition 5 Essay ChecklistⅢ Revising the Essay 1 Revising the Essay 1) Revising for content and organization 2) Revising for style 2 Editing the Essay 3 Dealing with the Final Draft 4 ProofreadingPart Three Writing a Research PaperⅠ Learning About the Central Information System of Modern Academic LibraryⅡ Doing Prewriting Work 1 Choosing and Limiting a Topic 2 Doing Preliminary Reading 3 Writing a Preliminary Bibliography 4 Writing a Preliminary Outline and Thesis 5 Reading and Taking Notes 6 Revising the Outline and the ThesisⅢ Writing the First DraftⅣ Rewriting the Paper 1 Revising the Draft 2 Editing and Documenting the Paper 1) MLA style 2) APA style 3) CMS style 4) CBE style 3 Dealing with the Final Draft 4 ProofreadingPart Four Making Good Use of the LanguageⅠ Striving for ClarityⅡ Striving for AccuracyⅢ Practicing Economy 1 Dropping Needless Repetition 2 Avoiding Needless Expansion 3 Removing Unnecessary Introducers 4 Cutting Down on Prepositions 5 Eliminating Dead Nouns 6 Omitting the Piling -ion WordsⅣ Gaining Appropriateness 1 Attending to Word Formality 2 Avoiding Overwritten Style 3 Avoiding Awkward Clichs 4 Avoiding Abuse of EuphemismsPart Five Using Punctuation Marks CorrectlyⅠ End Punctuation Marks 1 Period (.) 2 Question Mark (?) 3 Exclamation Point (!)Ⅱ Internal Punctuation Marks 1 Comma (,) 2 Semicolon (;) 3 Colon (:) 4 Dash (--) 5 Virgule (/)Ⅲ Enclosing Marks 1 Quotation Marks (“”) (‘’) 2 Parentheses (()) 3 Brackets ([])Ⅳ Punctuation of Individual Words and of Terms 1 Apostrophe (') 2 Ellipsis Points (...) 3 Hyphen (-)Two-Letter Abbreviations for US StatesProofreaders' MarksCorrection SymbolsBibliography
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