图书标签: 营养学 社会学 开卷八分钟 美国 生活
Fat China pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
'Fat China' provides an in-depth analysis of the growing problem of obesity and body image in China as urban lifestyles change and a sizeable middle class emerges. Rising obesity rates are examined in relationship to changing diets, modern lifestyles, investment from foreign fast food and supermarket retailers and urban planning. Crucial to this analysis is the likely effects on China's future development and already overburdened healthcare system.
Paul French is a founder and the Chief China Representative of Access Asia based in Shanghai. Access Asia specializes in providing information on China's economy and consumer/retail markets. He is the author of a number of books on China's history, development and current society. As co-founder of Access Asia, Matthew Crabbe has been analysing the consumer economy of China for almost two decades. He has specialist knowledge about the development of China's consumer lifestyles, and the repercussions that such fast change has for Chinese people and society.
remarkably well researched and thought-provoking
评分胖中胖华 胖胖最可爱 太胖就不好鸟
评分remarkably well researched and thought-provoking
评分快餐企业进驻中国作出的改变那边,肯德基还有餐券我是记得的,必胜客掉餐巾纸的sensational assault好像没什么印象 虽然现今看来也有很多不尽不实的地方,但很神奇的是觉得我们整个意识形态仿佛都是build on misinterpretations n misinterpretations,多喝热水、多吃鸡蛋、多喝牛奶、乳制品强制推广,当时完全没人意识到乳糖不耐的问题。改变我们的饮食结构真的是一件好事吗我也不知道之后去学学营养学 十年之后,奶茶网红店外卖生鲜超市,都市人的sedentary life style真的很可怕,但是医学上巧克力还是要吃的????
评分胖中胖华 胖胖最可爱 太胖就不好鸟
by张晓波 中国人胖起来了。近三十年来,对于生活在中国东部富裕地区的人来说,体型横向高速增长,比GDP的增长直观得多。保罗·弗伦奇在《富态》一书中,引用了一组中国服装业提供的数据,“1985年,中国城市男性平均腰围是63.5厘米,现在已接近76.2厘米”,也就是说,25年...
评分旧社会,北方民俗,新婚夫妇过春节时,女方家长要送给男方家长一张大胖小子的年画,胖娃娃类年画种类非常多,有五子登科、观音送子、吉庆有余、连生贵子等,寓意家庭美好,人丁兴旺。如今中国的独生子女长得堪比这些年画,正在飞速成为肥胖的一代。 通亚咨询公司的创办人保罗...
评分印象深刻的一点是通过此书不但可以了解为何国人近年来腰围变粗的原因,而且提供了另外一个角度来看中国。 从饥荒到饕餮只隔了短短一代时间,但是这期间变化的绝不仅仅是人的腰围,根本上来说,是观念的改变。 在物质空前丰富的年代,中国人该如何更快的调整自...
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