圖書標籤: Günter 德國文學 君特·格拉斯 Grass 德國 alex Wilhelm
The Tin Drum pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The Tin Drum, one of the great novels of the twentieth century, was published in Ralph Manheim's outstanding translation in 1959. It became a runaway bestseller and catapulted its young author to the forefront of world literature. To mark the fiftieth anniversary of the original publication, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, along with Grass's publishers all over the world, is bringing out a new translation of this classic novel. Breon Mitchell, acclaimed translator and scholar, has drawn from many sources: from a wealth of detailed scholarship; from a wide range of newly-available reference works; and from the author himself. The result is a translation that is more faithful to Grass's style and rhythm, restores omissions, and reflects more fully the complexity of the original work. After fifty years, THE TIN DRUM has, if anything, gained in power and relevance. All of Grass's amazing evocations are still there, and still amazing: Oskar Matzerath, the indomitable drummer; his grandmother, Anna Koljaiczek; his mother, Agnes; Alfred Matzerath and Jan Bronski, his presumptive fathers; Oskar's midget friends--Bebra, the great circus master and Roswitha Raguna, the famous somnambulist; Sister Scholastica and Sister Agatha, the Right Reverend Father Wiehnke; the Greffs, the Schefflers, Herr Fajngold, all Kashubians, Poles, Germans, and Jews--waiting to be discovered and re-discovered.
君特·格拉斯(Günter Grass,1927~2015)德意誌聯邦共和國作傢。1927年齣生於但澤市。父親是德國商人,母親為波蘭人。1944年,尚未成年的格拉斯被徵入伍。1945年負傷住院。戰爭結束時落入美軍戰俘營。戰後曾從事過各種職業,先當農業工人,學習過石雕和造型藝術, 後成為職業作傢、雕刻傢和版畫傢。他是“四七”社成員,政治上支持社會民主黨,主張改良。在1970年社會民主黨上颱執政時,曾積極投入支持勃蘭特競選的活動。他的政治態度和作品中過多的色情內容曾在國內外引起過不少批評。
鬼纔!讀譯文都被格拉斯的語言統領,就像被四層襯裙籠罩。畸形得理所當然,變態得壯麗,海鰻與馬頭一幕入選今生生理震懾Top10。很多點子絕妙,比如洋蔥地窖,比如Ulla and Oskar as models,令我想入非非,也想感受fizz powder在掌心被唾液濡濕,熱烈起泡。
評分Glad that I read peeling the onion first, now that everything makes sense, in a burlesque way though. My heart is heavy laden with all those questions posed without answers.
評分鬼纔!讀譯文都被格拉斯的語言統領,就像被四層襯裙籠罩。畸形得理所當然,變態得壯麗,海鰻與馬頭一幕入選今生生理震懾Top10。很多點子絕妙,比如洋蔥地窖,比如Ulla and Oskar as models,令我想入非非,也想感受fizz powder在掌心被唾液濡濕,熱烈起泡。
君特格拉斯是我充满敬佩和赞叹的作家,不仅是因为他的博学或是高贵,还有他的诚实和笃定。 格拉斯在一篇关于《铁皮鼓》创作的回忆录中写到:“既不是创作欲(诸如我肯定要写并且知道怎样写),也不是蓄积已久的决心,(诸如我现在要动手写了!)更不是某种高尚的使命感...
評分经过一个寒假的不懈努力,终于在今日——闰年三月的第一天,结束了这篇528000字的长篇小说。在毫无诗意的“黑厨娘你在吗”的歌声中,结束了与OSCAR的对话。他30岁的人生也许还将继续走下去,耶稣的圣体永远不会消亡。就如同那个铁皮鼓, “失而复得,得而复失”,亦也不过是“...
The Tin Drum pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025