When Jesus Came to Harvard pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
In this urgently relevant, wholly enlightening discussion of modern moral decisions, the Harvard theology professor Harvey Cox considers the significance of Jesus and his teachings today. As he did in his undergraduate class Jesus and the Moral Lifea course that grew so popular that the lectures were held in a theater often used for rock concertsCox examines contemporary dilemmas in the light of lessons gleaned from the Gospels. Invigorating and incisive, this book encourages an intellectual approach to faith and inspires a clear way of thinking about moral choices for all of us.
哈維.考克斯(Harvey Cox)
哈佛大學神學院哈里斯講座教授,他自一九六五年起即執教於哈佛大學神學院(HDS)與文理學院。考克斯是美國浸信會牧師,曾擔任天普大學新教牧師,在歐柏林學院(Oberlin College)主管宗教活動,在柏林擔任普世教會兄弟會工作者(ecumenical fraternal worker),與葛斯納教會(Gossner Mission)及基督教新教學院(Evangelical Academy)合作。他曾在紐頓神學院(Andover Newton Theological School)教書。他的研究與教學專精於宗教、文化與政治的互動,鑽研的項目包括基督教世界的都市化、神學發展,猶太教與基督教的關係,以及當前全球的屬靈運動(特別是五旬節教派在全球日益茁壯的現象),曾擔任布蘭戴斯大學(Brandeis University)、墨西哥浸信會神學院(Seminario Bautista de Mexico)、那洛巴佛學院(the Naropa Institute)與密西根大學(University of Michigan)的客座教授。他也是一位多產的作家,一九六五年出版的《世俗之城》(The Secular City)為全球暢銷書,並榮獲德國馬堡大學(University of Marburg)選為二十世紀最具影響力的新教神學書籍之一。
When Jesus Came to Harvard pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025