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Bhagavad Gita pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The Bhagavad Gita is often regarded as the Bible of India. With a gripping story and deeply compelling message, it is unquestionably one of the most popular sacred texts of Asia and, along with the Bible and the Qur'an, one of the most important holy scriptures in the world. Part of an ancient Hindu epic poem, the dialogue of the Bhagavad Gita takes place on a battlefield, where a war for the possession of a North Indian kingdom is about to ensue between two noble families related by blood. The epic's hero, young Prince Arjuna, is torn between his duty as a warrior and his revulsion at the thought of his brothers and cousins killing each other over control of the realm. Frozen by this ethical dilemma, he debates the big questions of life and death with the supreme Hindu deity Krishna, cleverly disguised as his charioteer. By the end of the story, Eastern beliefs about mortality and reincarnation, the vision and practice of yoga, the Indian social order and its responsibilities, family loyalty, spiritual knowledge, and the loftiest pursuits of the human heart are explored in depth. Explaining the very purpose of life and existence, this classic has stood the test of twenty-three centuries. It is presented here in a thoroughly accurate, illuminating, and beautiful translation that is sure to become the standard for our day.
评分 评分薄伽梵歌 所有众生的真正本性是Atman,圣化生命过程,了悟轮回的观点,达到最终解脱。 服务于主履行职责虔性智慧,我们是神的工具 第一章:阿周那的困境 主要内容:交代战争背景,阿周那的困惑,战争的对手是自己的老师和亲戚和长辈,阿周那不想打了,不想杀死大家 第二章: 超...
评分我心中的世界如何混沌,对这世界的认知便如何迫切。 我深信,且体会到:人的本性不可改变。对印度哲学的强烈好奇促使我读起《薄伽梵歌》,并再次感知到,我的人生必然和印度哲学息息相关。我渐渐理清了一些头绪,西方哲学和东方哲学的区别。 在读《薄伽梵歌》时,看到这样一...
评分没有不存在的存在,也没有存在的不存在(第二章 15) 生者必定死去,死者必定再生,对不可避免的事,你不应该忧伤。(第二章 27) 不要为结果而行动,也不固执的不行动。(第二章 47) 不能够约束自己的人,没有智慧,也没有定力,没有定力则没有平静,没有平静,何来幸福?(...
Bhagavad Gita pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025