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The Ecology of Tropical East Asia pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Tropical East Asia is home to one billion people and faces massive human impact from its rising population and rapid economic growth. It has already lost more than two-thirds of its forest cover and has the highest rates of deforestation and logging in the tropics. The relentless trade in wildlife products threatens all its large and many smaller vertebrates. Despite these problems, the region still supports an estimated 15-25% of global terrestrial biodiversity and is therefore a key area for conservation. Effective and efficient conservation action at the local and regional levels depends on an understanding of the ecological patterns and processes in the region, but information is currently scattered among a large number of elusive publications in several different languages. The Ecology of Tropical East Asia is the first book to describe the terrestrial ecology of the entire East Asian tropics and subtropics, from southern China to western Indonesia. It deals with plants, animals, and the ecosystems they inhabit, as well as the diverse threats to their survival and the options for conservation. This book provides the background knowledge of the region's ecology needed by both specialists and non-specialists to put their own work into a broader context. The accessible style, comprehensive coverage, and engaging illustrations make this advanced textbook an essential read for senior undergraduate and graduate level students studying the terrestrial ecology of the East Asian tropics, as well as an authoritative reference for professional ecologists, conservationists, and interested amateurs worldwide.
推荐一本书-《The Ecology of Tropical East Asia》 2009年我参加第23届国际保护生物学会议期间,来自新加坡国立大学生态系的Richard T. Corlett 教授赠送我一本他刚出版的新书《The Ecology of Tropical East Asia》,该书由牛津大学出版社于2009年5月发行。Richard教授是英国人,本科和硕士就读于剑桥大学,在澳大利亚国立大学获得博士学位。由于对热带东南亚的热爱, Richard教授毕业后留在新加坡国立大学从事生态学研究十多年,后就职于香港大学对香港及周边地区的植物群落研究12年,于2008年又回到新加坡国立大学。Richard教授这30多年来一直致力于热带东南亚生态学的研究,在国际生态迅髦髁髌诳⒈砺畚慕倨衷诨挂缘谝蛔髡叻⒈砺畚摹ichard教授告诉我,他在写作这本书多数时间是呆在希腊的一个小岛上,生态学研究及写作并不是一个痛苦的过程,应该是快乐着。 《The Ecology of Tropical East Asia》一书描述的是从华南地区到印度尼西亚西部整个东南亚热带和亚热带地区的陆地生态学,涉及动物,植物以及它们栖息的生态环境。此外,此书用两章的内容来讨论“生物多样性的威胁”以及“保护生物多样性”。近日,我完成这本书的认真学习,感觉此书有以下几个特点: 1 写作方式:按照人思维的逻辑发展。我们中国的很多教材,一开始就讲名词解释,讲定理,然后影响因子有几点,有什么意义,“按部就班”,而不考虑学生感兴趣的是怎样,读者的思维正好和这相反。结果学生读着没有兴趣,为了应付最后的考试,只好死记硬背每个名词解释,成因,意义,哪怕是断章取义。Richard教授正是顺应了人思维的逻辑认识过程,这样,读者在读的过程中,会感觉很有兴趣。比如,我在读的过程中,遇到有兴趣的地方,就去下载并阅读文中引用的文献;最后,对这些问题的认识,就比较深入了,而不是停留在概念和原理层次。 2 新。Richard教授引用了大量的近年文献,不象国内有的生态学教材文献太陈旧,没有跟踪最新研究进展。比如,此书引用了马克平教授课题组杜晓军博士2007和2008年发表的文章,赖江山博士2006年的文章,还有中科院动物所张知彬教授近5年的3篇文章。在讨论物种共存机制时,把近年研究热点用相当篇幅总结,比如Hubbell提出的“中性理论”。读此书的过程中,可以很明显的感觉到:Richard教授阅读了关于热带东南亚生态学的大量文献,这不是为了写此书短期内可以阅读的数量,而是几十年对相关研究一直关注的结晶。 3 大量实例。这本书绝对不是一个空洞的生态学理论的教程,我认为也不是一本适合本科生阅读的教材。Richard教授用了大量的研究实例,来描述每一个生态学问题;这本书是启发式的,令我对一些生态学问题进行了思考,然后去查阅相关文献,从而找到了新的研究点,启发我去写一篇新的研究论文。 下面是这本书的一些基本信息: The Ecology of Tropical East Asia Richard T. Corlett 272 pages | 40 line and 70 black and white halftone illustrations | 246x189mm | Paperback | 14 May 2009 目录: 1: Environmental History 2: Physical Geography 3: Biogeography 4: The Ecology of Plants: From Seed to Seed 5: The Ecology of Animals: Foods and Feeding 6: Energy and Nutrients 7: Threats to Biodiversity
The Ecology of Tropical East Asia pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025