图书标签: 阿拉伯 英文版 美國 民族 歷史 大分流 religion
The Arabs pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Eugene Rogan has written an authoritative new history of the Arabs in the modern world. Starting with the Ottoman conquests in the sixteenth century, this landmark book follows the story of the Arabs through the era of European imperialism and the Superpower rivalries of the Cold War, to the present age of unipolar American power. Drawing on the writings and eyewitness accounts of those who lived through the tumultuous years of Arab history, "The Arabs" balances different voices - politicians, intellectuals, students, men and women, poets and novelists, famous, infamous and the completely unknown - to give a rich, complex sense of life over nearly five centuries. Rogan's book is remarkable for its geographical sweep, covering the Arab world from North Africa through the Arabian Peninsula, and for the depth in which it explores every facet of modern Arab history. Charting the evolution of Arab identity from Ottomanism to Arabism to Islamism, it covers themes including the conflict between national independence and foreign domination, the Arab-Israeli struggle and the peace process, Abdel Nasser and the rise of Arab Nationalism, the political and economic power of oil and the conflict between secular and Islamic values. This multilayered, fascinating and definitive work is the essential guide to understanding the history of the modern Arab world - and its future.
Charts the evolution of Arab identity from the Ottomans to the present day, covering themes of national independence, foreign domination, the Arab-Israeli struggle, the peace process, the economic power of oil and the conflict between secular and Islamic values.
评分——读尤金•罗根的《征服与革命中的阿拉伯人1516年至今》 尤金•罗根的书我读过《奥斯曼帝国的衰亡:一战中东》,印象非常不错。只是对作者将那段历史断代至1920年稍有异议,毕竟1920年之后,一战的延续继续发生在小亚细亚和色雷斯的土地上,直至《洛桑条约》。 本书从奥...
评分原标题:尤金·罗根的《征服与革命中的阿拉伯人》讲述了一个被外人羞辱的故事 作者:诺埃尔·马尔科姆 翻译: 王戎 来源: 《每日电讯报》书评 注:诺埃尔·马尔科姆,牛津大学万灵学院高级研究员,著名历史学家,西方学界的霍布斯研究权威,克拉伦登(Clarendon)版《托马斯·霍...
评分原文地址: https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_1870330 尤金·罗根(Eugene Rogan)教授为牛津大学圣安东尼学院中东研究中心主任,著有《阿拉伯人:一部历史》和《奥斯曼帝国的衰亡 : 一战中东,1914-1920》等。2017年10月,陆大鹏在牛津采访了罗根教授,分别谈了牛...
评分一口气读完,非常难得的全景式的阿拉伯史。主要体现在以下几方面: 1) 作者注重从阿拉伯史料中采用相关资料,和以往的书籍比,更加全面和客观。我们过去读的中东历史,其实更多的是基于西方人的视觉,即使我们自己编撰的资料,虽然意识形态以批判西方为主,但其实也是在西方人...
The Arabs pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025