图书标签: Marion 哲学 英文 现象学
The Crossing of the Visible pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Painting, according to Jean-Luc Marion, is a central topic of concern for philosophy, particularly phenomenology. For the question of painting is, at its heart, a question of visibility--of appearance. As such, the painting is a privileged case of the phenomenon; the painting becomes an index for investigating the conditions of appearance--or what Marion describes as "phenomenality" in general. In "The Crossing of the Visible," Marion takes up just such a project. The natural outgrowth of his earlier reflections on icons, these four studies carefully consider the history of painting--from classical to contemporary--as a fund for phenomenological reflection on the conditions of (in)visibility. Ranging across artists from Raphael to Rothko, Caravaggio to Pollock, "The Crossing of the Visible" offers both a critique of contemporary accounts of the visual and a constructive alternative. According to Marion, the proper response to the "nihilism" of postmodernity is not iconoclasm, but rather a radically iconic account of the visual and the arts that opens them to the invisible.
让-吕克•马里翁(Jean-Luc Marion),法国当代著名学者,法兰西学院院士,巴黎第四大学索邦大学教授,芝加哥大学宗教学系、哲学系客座教授。作为德里达的学生,他的主要研究领域为近代哲学和现象学,出版过多部关于笛卡尔方法论、理性神学和形而上学的著作,对希腊和拉丁教父及中世纪哲学也多有研究,尤其以宗教领域的研究而广受关注。主要著作有《无存在的上帝》、《偶像与距离》等多部,曾获得法兰西学院哲学大奖(1992)和海德堡大学卡尔•雅斯贝尔斯奖(2008),2008年入选为法兰西学院院士。
The Crossing of the Visible pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025