圖書標籤: 人類學 項飚 社會學 人口流動 中國 農村 邊界 學術
Transcending Boundaries pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
This book sheds new light on state-society relations in contemporary China by demonstrating how rigid official boundaries internal to the state system, which were essential for the state's control over society, have paradoxically facilitated the growth of new social spaces. Based on long years of fieldwork, the book takes us to a highly unlikely site in Beijing - Zhejiangcun (literally 'Zhejiang village'), the biggest migrant community in China, located only five kilometres south of Tian'anmen Square -- where 100,000 migrants, mostly from Wenzhou, have organised a vibrant garment industry despite regular state crackdowns. It documents the spontaneous evolution of Zhejiangcun into a hub of nationwide migrant business networks transcending officially imposed boundaries. The book also makes use of Chinese folk insights and philosophical traditions as analytical tools for tackling fluid social relationships unconfined to physical space.
XIANG Biao, Ph.D. (2003 Oxon.) is a Former Research Officer for the International Organization for Migration and currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the National University of Singapore. He has conducted in-depth field research on migrants in China, India and Australia and has published extensively on migration and social change.
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評分印象最深的一點,浙江村是一種新的社會空間,不同於公民社會(civil society),也不同於傳統的民間社會(天高皇帝遠),而是一個跨越地理、組織體係、行政體係和身份體係的社區空間,是對國傢和社會關係的一種reorder。項飆老師的核心關懷是對這種新社會空間推動中國現代市場製度建立的潛力的肯定。
整本书: 概述:小时间 小人物 小历史 时间线:史前史 北京 立足 扩张 清理转移 从乱象岛被迫正规化 内容丰富 人物事件众多 写作与研究: 不是正规的学术研究 更像是人物传记和访谈录 从独特的平常人视角或者底层视角来呈现历史 注重人物对话 强调细节 强调互动 长期的社区观察...
Transcending Boundaries pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025