FOREWORDINTRODUCTONCHINESE MYSTICISM Laotse, the Book of Tao Introduction The Principles of Tao The Application of Tao Chuangtse, Mystic and Humorist Introduction A Happy Excursion On Leveling All Things The Preservation of Life This Human World Deformities, or Evidences of a Full Character The Great Supreme Joined Toes Horses' Hoofs Opening Trunks, or a Protest Against Civilization On Tolerance Autumn FloodsCHINESE DEMOCRACY The Book of History, Documents of Chinese Democracy Introduction The Canon of Yao The Counsels of the Great Yu The Counsels of Kao-Yao The Songs of the Five Sons The Announcement of Tang T'ai Chia The Common Possession of Pure Virtue The Charge to Yueh The Great Declaration The Metal-Bound Coffer The Announcement of the Duke of Shao The Speech of (the Marquis of) Ch'in Mencius, the Democratic Philosopher Introduction Mencius, the Democratic Philosopher Motse, The Religious Teacher Introduction On the Necessity of Standards On the Importance of a Common Standard (Ⅲ) Universal Love (Ⅱ) Universal Love (Ⅲ) Condemnation of Offensive War (Ⅰ) Condemnation of Offensive War (Ⅱ) Condemnation of Offensive War (Ⅲ) The Will of Heaven (Ⅰ) The Will of Heaven (Ⅱ) The Will of Heaven (Ⅲ) Anti-Confucianism (Ⅱ) Keng Chu The Aphorisms of Confucius Introduction Description of Confucius by Himself and Others The Emotional and Artistic Life of Confucius The Conversational Style The Johnsonian Touch Wit and Wisdom Humanism and True Manhood The Superior Man and the Inferior Man The Mean as the Ideal Character and Types of Persons that Confucius Hated Government On Education, Ritual and Poetry The Golden Mean of Tsesze Introduction The Central Harmony The Golden Mean Moral Law Everywhere The Humanistic Standard Certain Models Ethics and Politics Being One's True Self Those Who Are Absolute True Selves Eulogy on Confucius EpilogueCHINESE POETRY Introduction Some Great Ancient Lyrics Ch'u Yuan Li Po The Tale of Meng Chiang The Mortal Thoughts of a NunSKETCHES OF CHINESE LIFE Chinese Tales Introduction The Judgment Between Two Mothers The Judgment on a Dispute The Chinese Cinderella The Tale of Ch'ienniang The Man Who Sold Ghosts It's Wonderful to Be Drunk It's Good to Be Headless The Brothers' Search for Their Father The Private History of Queen Feiyen Six Chapters of a Floating Life Introduction Wedded Bliss The Little Pleasures of Life Sorrow The Joys of Travel Experience (missing) The Way of Life (missing)CHINESE WIT AND WISDOM Parables of Ancient Philosophers Introduction The Man Who Spurned the Machine Do-Nothing Say-Nothing The Concealed Deer The Man Who Forgot Chi Liang's Physicians Honest Shangch'iu K'ai The Man Who Worried About Heaven The Old Man Who Would Move Mountains Confucius and the Children The Man Who Saw Only Gold Looks Like a Thief Measurements for Shoes King Huan Lost His Hat How the Tongue Survived the Teeth The Owl and the Quail The Tiger and the Fox The Crane and the Clam The Blind Man's Idea of the Sun Family Letters of a Chinese Poet Introduction Family Letters of a Chinese Poet The Epigrams of Lusin Introduction The Epigrams of Lusin One Hundred Proverbs Introduction One Hundred ProverbsTHE PRONUNCIATION OF CHINESE NAMESWADE-GILES TO PINYIN CONVERSION TABLEENGLISH WORKS BY LIN YUTANG
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给外国读者看的书 原著英文 所以国人来看有些不友好 按照他的思路又重温了部分国学经典
这本书让读者了解中国的文化以及中国人的思想,包括哲学,故事,诗歌,谚语。 书的前几章着重介绍中国哲学:老子的道德经,庄子的南华经,上古之书(书经/尚书),孟子,墨子,孔子以及子思的中庸思想。 读书的确能引发人思考。比如人们常说“孔孟之道”,其实孔子和孟子的思...
这本书让读者了解中国的文化以及中国人的思想,包括哲学,故事,诗歌,谚语。 书的前几章着重介绍中国哲学:老子的道德经,庄子的南华经,上古之书(书经/尚书),孟子,墨子,孔子以及子思的中庸思想。 读书的确能引发人思考。比如人们常说“孔孟之道”,其实孔子和孟子的思...
这本书让读者了解中国的文化以及中国人的思想,包括哲学,故事,诗歌,谚语。 书的前几章着重介绍中国哲学:老子的道德经,庄子的南华经,上古之书(书经/尚书),孟子,墨子,孔子以及子思的中庸思想。 读书的确能引发人思考。比如人们常说“孔孟之道”,其实孔子和孟子的思...
这本书让读者了解中国的文化以及中国人的思想,包括哲学,故事,诗歌,谚语。 书的前几章着重介绍中国哲学:老子的道德经,庄子的南华经,上古之书(书经/尚书),孟子,墨子,孔子以及子思的中庸思想。 读书的确能引发人思考。比如人们常说“孔孟之道”,其实孔子和孟子的思...
这本书让读者了解中国的文化以及中国人的思想,包括哲学,故事,诗歌,谚语。 书的前几章着重介绍中国哲学:老子的道德经,庄子的南华经,上古之书(书经/尚书),孟子,墨子,孔子以及子思的中庸思想。 读书的确能引发人思考。比如人们常说“孔孟之道”,其实孔子和孟子的思...