图书标签: 编程 OS 操作系统 ⎋操作系统-原理 OperatingSystem Computing CS
Operating Systems pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
For a one-semester undergraduate course in operating systems for computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering majors. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles is a comprehensive and unified introduction to operating systems. By using several innovative tools, Stallings makes it possible to understand critical core concepts that can be fundamentally challenging. The new edition includes the implementation of web based animations to aid visual learners. At key points in the book, students are directed to view an animation and then are provided with assignments to alter the animation input and analyze the results. The concepts are then enhanced and supported by end-of-chapter case studies of UNIX, Linux and Windows Vista. These provide students with a solid understanding of the key mechanisms of modern operating systems and the types of design tradeoffs and decisions involved in OS design. Because they are embedded into the text as end of chapter material, students are able to apply them right at the point of discussion. This approach is equally useful as a basic reference and as an up-to-date survey of the state of the art.Resources William Stallings has prepared a robust suite of student and instructor resources, including a rich set of Animations to illustrate key functions and algorithms in OS design. (Icons are placed at relevant points in the text to indicate that an animation is available.) Access them via the Prentice Hall page www.prenhall.com/stallings or directly at the author's website http://www.williamstallings.com/OS/OS6e.html under the link "Useful Websites." Visit Stalllings Computer Science Student Resource page at http://williamstallings.com/StudentSupport.html. Key downloadable instructor resources including access codes to GOAL (www.prenhall.com/goal), as well as student access to GOAL are available by clicking on the Resources tab above.
William Stallings 拥有美国麻省理工学院计算机科学博士学位,现任教于澳大利亚新南威尔士大学国防学院(堪培拉)信息技术与电子工程系。他是世界知名计算机学者和畅销教材作者,已经撰写了17部著作,出版了40多本书籍,内容涉及计算机安全、计算机网络和计算机体系结构等方面,堪称计算机界的全才。他曾九次荣获美国“教材和学术专著作者协会”颁发的“年度最佳计算机科学教材”奖。
磨磨叽叽2个月总算把书磨完了,书的系统性很好,就是对经典问题的剖析薄弱了,很多经典(哲学家就餐等)的问题只是一带而过,让人遗憾,经典偏少。 翻译不做评价,能看懂就行,没必要吃毛求疵,太过于细节的话----少年你这辈子看不了多少本书的。
评分读完了英文版,老师拿英文版授课。不得不说这本书的英文版让人读了想死。我觉得极其难懂,极其枯燥。我读过Hyde的《the art of assembly language》,读起来一目十行,从来没觉得哪个句子难懂,行文相当流畅。我读过Silberschatz的《operating system concepts》,行文也是很流...
评分对照着英文原版看,发现翻译的一些错误,导致看不懂,以下为自己对照原版的理解: P40:2.2.3 节,第 1 段第 3 行,“平均每秒处理 100 指令”有误,应该为“平均每个记录文件需要处理100条机器指令”。 P46:图2.8:指令计数器-->程序计数器(PC) P48:地址转换硬件(映射器)位于...
评分对照着英文原版看,发现翻译的一些错误,导致看不懂,以下为自己对照原版的理解: P40:2.2.3 节,第 1 段第 3 行,“平均每秒处理 100 指令”有误,应该为“平均每个记录文件需要处理100条机器指令”。 P46:图2.8:指令计数器-->程序计数器(PC) P48:地址转换硬件(映射器)位于...
Operating Systems pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025