圖書標籤: 李小龍 哲學 傳記 BruceLee 重要 藝術 生活 2001
Artist of Life (Bruce Lee Library) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
Bruce Lee has been recognized primarily for his physical skills and tactical principles in the art of unarmed combat. But Bruce Lee: Artist of Life reveals that Lee was a man who was equal parts poet, Philosophysopher, scientist, actor. producer, director, author, choreographer, Martial Artsl artist, husband, father, and friend, dedicated to artistic expression with the goal of self-knowledge. Bruce Lee: Artist of Life is a collection of writings comprising eight parts: writings on Chinese Gung Fu, Philosophysophy psychology, Jeet Kune Do, acting, and self-knowledge, as well as a section of Lee's poetry and letters, revealing a side of Bruce Lee rarely seen letters, revealing a side of Bruce Lee rarely seen previously. As John Little writes in the Introduction, "No matter what the topic...you get the distinct impression from reading Lee's words that hee, indeed, was a 'real man,' a real human being, who was in fact laying bare his soul."
原名李振藩,美籍華人,祖籍中國廣東佛山。一代功夫之王,武術哲學傢,截拳道創始人。作為一代功夫巨星,李小龍赤手空拳在好萊塢打齣一片天地,徵服瞭全球各地億萬影迷。作為一介武者,李小龍打遍天下無敵手,讓“功夫(Kung Fu)”一詞首次被寫入英文詞典中。他年僅33歲的人生是一段不朽的東方傳奇。
A true master and artist of life with an awe-inspiring versatility! Besides being the greatest gungfu actor of all time, Bruce Lee was also a keen philosopher who had written down quite a few poems and thought-provoking essays, especially the ones on JEET KUNE DO. The book is his collected works. Though a bit inter-repetitive,read it in AWE!
評分A true master and artist of life with an awe-inspiring versatility! Besides being the greatest gungfu actor of all time, Bruce Lee was also a keen philosopher who had written down quite a few poems and thought-provoking essays, especially the ones on JEET KUNE DO. The book is his collected works. Though a bit inter-repetitive,read it in AWE!
評分A true master and artist of life with an awe-inspiring versatility! Besides being the greatest gungfu actor of all time, Bruce Lee was also a keen philosopher who had written down quite a few poems and thought-provoking essays, especially the ones on JEET KUNE DO. The book is his collected works. Though a bit inter-repetitive,read it in AWE!
評分A true master and artist of life with an awe-inspiring versatility! Besides being the greatest gungfu actor of all time, Bruce Lee was also a keen philosopher who had written down quite a few poems and thought-provoking essays, especially the ones on JEET KUNE DO. The book is his collected works. Though a bit inter-repetitive,read it in AWE!
評分A true master and artist of life with an awe-inspiring versatility! Besides being the greatest gungfu actor of all time, Bruce Lee was also a keen philosopher who had written down quite a few poems and thought-provoking essays, especially the ones on JEET KUNE DO. The book is his collected works. Though a bit inter-repetitive,read it in AWE!
受益良多。 ①成熟就是从依赖环境到自立的过程。 ②自我实现和自我形象实现的区别。 ———— 功夫之道———— ③人与人之间的差别并不在于生命中发生了什么,而在于选择用什么样的方式回应。 ④每一个冲突焦点,每一种外在情感都有破坏性且分散精力,他打浪人的自然节奏,降...
評分“习武是我的个人选择,演员是我的职业,虽然我在生活中主要扮演的是这两个角色,但我最希望的是能够实现自我成为一个生活的艺术家。” 而李小龙所说的艺术家是一个个体成长的过程及一个人通过运用自己的独立判断,成为一个在身体上,心理上以精神上完整的人。艺术是让个体生命...
評分上周三去影院看了《好莱坞往事》,关于李小龙的角色众说纷纭。为了追求真相我顺势看完了李小龙写的《生活的艺术家》一书 我无法教你什么,只能帮助你探求你自己。除此之外,别无他法。——李小龙 这本书根据李小龙的私人信件、手稿以及他的读书笔记、课堂作业整理翻译而成,其...
評分“习武是我的个人选择,演员是我的职业,虽然我在生活中主要扮演的是这两个角色,但我最希望的是能够实现自我成为一个生活的艺术家。” 而李小龙所说的艺术家是一个个体成长的过程及一个人通过运用自己的独立判断,成为一个在身体上,心理上以精神上完整的人。艺术是让个体生命...
評分- 之前看明報的書評, 對書的評價不甚了了, 故一直沒有拿起來看。反倒是因為工作關係, 與同事聊起如何'從心出發'的改變自己和別人的想法時, 他建議我去看這本書, 看書的動力就來了。 - 我對李小龍的電影不甚著迷, 對他的生平更是認識有限, 一向只知道一些花邊新聞。書中文章顯...
Artist of Life (Bruce Lee Library) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024