图书标签: 李小龙 哲学 传记 BruceLee 重要 艺术 生活 2001
Artist of Life (Bruce Lee Library) pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Bruce Lee has been recognized primarily for his physical skills and tactical principles in the art of unarmed combat. But Bruce Lee: Artist of Life reveals that Lee was a man who was equal parts poet, Philosophysopher, scientist, actor. producer, director, author, choreographer, Martial Artsl artist, husband, father, and friend, dedicated to artistic expression with the goal of self-knowledge. Bruce Lee: Artist of Life is a collection of writings comprising eight parts: writings on Chinese Gung Fu, Philosophysophy psychology, Jeet Kune Do, acting, and self-knowledge, as well as a section of Lee's poetry and letters, revealing a side of Bruce Lee rarely seen letters, revealing a side of Bruce Lee rarely seen previously. As John Little writes in the Introduction, "No matter what the topic...you get the distinct impression from reading Lee's words that hee, indeed, was a 'real man,' a real human being, who was in fact laying bare his soul."
原名李振藩,美籍华人,祖籍中国广东佛山。一代功夫之王,武术哲学家,截拳道创始人。作为一代功夫巨星,李小龙赤手空拳在好莱坞打出一片天地,征服了全球各地亿万影迷。作为一介武者,李小龙打遍天下无敌手,让“功夫(Kung Fu)”一词首次被写入英文词典中。他年仅33岁的人生是一段不朽的东方传奇。
A true master and artist of life with an awe-inspiring versatility! Besides being the greatest gungfu actor of all time, Bruce Lee was also a keen philosopher who had written down quite a few poems and thought-provoking essays, especially the ones on JEET KUNE DO. The book is his collected works. Though a bit inter-repetitive,read it in AWE!
评分A true master and artist of life with an awe-inspiring versatility! Besides being the greatest gungfu actor of all time, Bruce Lee was also a keen philosopher who had written down quite a few poems and thought-provoking essays, especially the ones on JEET KUNE DO. The book is his collected works. Though a bit inter-repetitive,read it in AWE!
评分A true master and artist of life with an awe-inspiring versatility! Besides being the greatest gungfu actor of all time, Bruce Lee was also a keen philosopher who had written down quite a few poems and thought-provoking essays, especially the ones on JEET KUNE DO. The book is his collected works. Though a bit inter-repetitive,read it in AWE!
评分A true master and artist of life with an awe-inspiring versatility! Besides being the greatest gungfu actor of all time, Bruce Lee was also a keen philosopher who had written down quite a few poems and thought-provoking essays, especially the ones on JEET KUNE DO. The book is his collected works. Though a bit inter-repetitive,read it in AWE!
评分A true master and artist of life with an awe-inspiring versatility! Besides being the greatest gungfu actor of all time, Bruce Lee was also a keen philosopher who had written down quite a few poems and thought-provoking essays, especially the ones on JEET KUNE DO. The book is his collected works. Though a bit inter-repetitive,read it in AWE!
删改般发表于《经济观察报-书评》7月号,此是原文。 设若波普尔投身华尔街,很可能会把内裤都亏掉,但索罗斯拿了点他的思想应用到金融,却成了大鳄。这或可折射出一流哲学家与二流的哲学家的一点区别:一流哲学家忙于思索与原创,懒得去实践而导致实践能力蜕化。而二流哲学家...
评分来源:凤凰网读书 http://book.ifeng.com/kaijuanbafenzhong/wendang/detail_2011_01/13/4259945_0.shtml 凤凰卫视1月12日《开卷八分钟》,以下为文字实录: 梁文道:我曾经在网上面屡次看到一些李小龙生前的片断,那么这里面有一个片断我发现在欧美的网上面特别受人欢迎,很...
评分 评分《生活的艺术家》不是李小龙的传记,而是李小龙生前文章的合集,通过一个人的文字去了解他曾经的所思所想,随着他的思考所到之处回到过去,这是近距离了解他的有效方式。 出乎意料的是,李小龙不止是一介武术功夫明星,他对于自我的探索与认知、对于哲学与心理学、诗歌与艺术都...
评分因为以前念书的时候练习过一点点禅思,最近又刚刚看过《与神对话》第二部,所以当李小龙描述这种心境的时候,我也一瞬间被拉进了那个无限宁静和谐的世界。 我很想在那个世界呆久一些,这需要有意地运用思维。不过,如果只靠控制思维,可能会让我陷入思维强迫症(心理学上所说的...
Artist of Life (Bruce Lee Library) pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025