The Integrity of the Personality pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
To C.S Sale of this book without a front cover may beunauthorized. If this book is coverless, it may have been reported to the publisher as "unsold or destroyed" and neither the author nor the publisher may have received payment for it. Foreword ~ 1992 by Anthony Storr Copyright ~ 1960 by Anthony StorrCopyright renewed 1988 by Anthony Storry published in Great Britain by William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd. in 1960.Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 91-92254 ISBN: 0.345-37585-8ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSMy thanks are due to the following authors and publishers forpermission to use various quotations: Mr. E. M. Forster and Edward Arnold Ltd for passages fromHowards End and Two Cheers for Democracy. Dr. A. W. Helm and Methuen & Co. for an extract fromThe Appraisal of InteUigence. Dr. W. Ronald D. Fairbairn and Tavistock Publications Ltdfor several passages from Psycho-Analytic Studies of the Personality,and to the same author for extracts from papers published in theBritish Journal of Medical Psychology. Mr. Leonard Woolf for a quotation from Virginia Woolf sessay "The Patron and the Crocus" in The Common Reader. Messrs. Chatto and Windus for a sentence from Proper Studies,by Aldous Huxley; and for two extracts from Remembrance ofThings Past, by Marcel Proust, translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff.
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評分讀瞭一半多一點,對書中的內容並沒有特彆感興趣,如果理解的沒錯的話前半部分反復論述的點是 隻有深入到人群中纔能獲得人格的完整,獲得人格的完整和社交並不衝突 反而是相輔相成的。一直在引用Freud 和 Max 的想法。
評分讀瞭一半多一點,對書中的內容並沒有特彆感興趣,如果理解的沒錯的話前半部分反復論述的點是 隻有深入到人群中纔能獲得人格的完整,獲得人格的完整和社交並不衝突 反而是相輔相成的。一直在引用Freud 和 Max 的想法。
評分讀瞭一半多一點,對書中的內容並沒有特彆感興趣,如果理解的沒錯的話前半部分反復論述的點是 隻有深入到人群中纔能獲得人格的完整,獲得人格的完整和社交並不衝突 反而是相輔相成的。一直在引用Freud 和 Max 的想法。
評分讀瞭一半多一點,對書中的內容並沒有特彆感興趣,如果理解的沒錯的話前半部分反復論述的點是 隻有深入到人群中纔能獲得人格的完整,獲得人格的完整和社交並不衝突 反而是相輔相成的。一直在引用Freud 和 Max 的想法。
The Integrity of the Personality pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025