图书标签: letterman
Late Night With David Letterman pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Reader,Congratulations on your fine purchase and get set to experiencewhat we believe to be the ultimate test of man and machine. Oh!No, I'm sorry. That's the Indianapolis 500. Which, by the way, smellslike burning rubber. Believe me, it would be quite a mess for yourcoffeetable, bookshelf, or loved one. You're very lucky this is just abool~ Although it's really hard to think of it as just a book, nowisn't it? When we were first approached by the President's Council onMedium-Priced Trade Paperback Publications, frankly we were skep-tical. But as the project unfolded, those feelings were quickly re-placed by uncertainty. We want you to think of this book not merelyas a book, but as a book that would have contained many morecolor photographs had the price been jerked up a couple of dollars. You know, some have called me moody, bitter, brooding, evenhypoglycemic. But it is my fervent hope to let you, Dear Reader,judge for yourself. 1 do know one thing for sure: never before inmodern history has the love of a man for a woman burned morebrightly than between the covers of this explicit bombshell. Which,personally, 1'11 take any day over more color photographs. 1 certainly hope you've enjoyed these few minutes together. Inwriting this intro, it was my hope to welcome you all to our book,make you feel at home and, yes, to perhaps even take your bever-age order. But in rereading my efforts now, I see that what I'vereally been able to do is minimize the number of blank pages atthe front. We think you'll agree. Thank you. Good night. Drive safely.
Late Night With David Letterman pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025