Establishment of Innocence pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
1<br > A small red light winkilg in the corner <>f the rearview<br > mirror. ( ,hal)iu ttol)e,s e)es hm ering to the speedometer.<br > l hct~ the sift, n, frail in the distance. Seventy-five--damn it,<br > Ihzll was pushing it. Slill, he kept his fool off the brake pedal,<br > lolling the Merccdes slow of its own accord as the mirrored<br > lm l)OmI bc(,mie a 1)ea(r+m am! finally a black-and-white pa-<br > trd car.<br > The siren (lid n<,l let uI) and Chapin wondered whether he<br > sh<mld pull over i~) the shtmlder of the r<)ad. He tlever had<br > lict+,~rc. ~Tlly Slam II<)W? The senator from Stony Harbor<br > x~)lc, s "No"--the "Noes" have it. Vindication was prompt as<br > Ihc l)()li(.(, car wcm mute, struck dumb by the small brass em-<br > l)It,tll ait:Idled to the rear Imniper of State Senator Chapin<br > Kirk th)l)C S car. As lit: l)ulled by, the trooper waved. It *+ as a<br > tvicmllv wave, ahnost sheepish, but Chapin didn t return it.<br > "l hc soil <d ,i I)ildl should never have bolhered him in the<br > first placc. N<~t on l+ong Island. His country.<br > (;c~gr, il)hicall.v, Brooklyn and Queens were part of Long<br > IslaNd, lint lhal was geogral)hy not reality. (;hal)in Hope s<br > l+ong Island, the veal l+(mg Island, began where New York<br > (:it+ cn<lc<l. The real l+ong Island was ,t gladal sh>pethat ran<br > Ill) miles <lst from Queens ( +ounty. Bordered on the north<br >I>v l,ong Island Sound and on the south by the Atlantic<br >(Jt( all, l.~mg Island extended into the sea like the twin-<br >t<)lkcd lail of :l great whale, ()rient Point on the north tip<br >aud ,~|onlauk P~lilit Oil the Soulh.<br > The senator was lraveling from east to west, coining frolil<br >a c~mscrxali<m-(~)nilniltce meeting on the North Fork and<br >heading for a bar llear the New York (]it), line. It was half<br >p<isl four ~)ti the aft0rn~)on of the third Friday iii November,<br >OIIC <)[ Ihosc dismal, dank days that cast a gray mist over the<br >siuall-i<m u lan(Ist.al)e <d" eastern I+ong Island. The South<br >l <~lk ~v;is inert cclet)rated, was fainous for its rockbound<br >
Establishment of Innocence pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025