MICHAEL MARONS INSTANT MAKEOVER MAGIC pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
INTRODUCTION<br >BY CAROL BURNETT<br > my friend Bob Mackic first told me<br >~ cd that Michacl wanted me to bc in<br >of Michael Maron s projcct, I was<br >the book. When Michael told mc<br >:lost of thc womcn would bc photographcd without any makeup at all, I<br >him who would bc writing thc introduction, Vinccnt Pricc"<br >~ssumc Mr. Pricc was not availablc.<br >iichacl cxplaincd that hc wantcd to usc bcforc as wcll as a~}cr photo-<br >Ls to show that cvcrv woman has hcr own uniquc look--and that thc<br >;is in lcarning how to rccognizc one s bcst fcamrcs.<br >bccamc intcrcstcd in Michacl s talcnts bccausc I vc always bclicvcd in<br >~t~ and change. As you can scc from his photos, he complemcnts his<br >:ts bcst tkaturcs with thc application of tcn casv makcup steps, combin-<br >lc art of makeup and photography for imprcssivc rcsults.<br >cc ncvcr considcrcd mvsclf onc of the world s most sought-af}cr women<br >th()rs of bcautv books, so I m d(mblv plcascd to bc in the company of all<br >omcn prcscntcd in thcsc pages. You will scc different t),pcs of womcn,<br >kc you and mc, some of whom arc not thc Llccs you d cxpcct to scc.<br >[lchacl s approach is bascd on thc fL cling that [ caut~ is a matter of fccling<br >about onc s self liking onc s sclf and doing whatcvcr is ncccssarv t(~<br > ~ " ( ~ imply, h(~w to achieve thcsc goals<br >1co thosc fcclings His book sh )x~s, s .<br >:and out.<br >know you ll enjoy this book as much as I have cnjoycd bcing part oF it.<br >
MICHAEL MARONS INSTANT MAKEOVER MAGIC pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025