Consultation With a Plastic Surgeon pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
preface<br >"l~hi.s question and answer bo~k is based (,n actual con-<br >sultations aticnts have had with us and with other prac-<br >ticing plastic surgeons over a number of vcars. Our hope<br >is to reach and to rcassurc the many pcoplc who arc<br >curious about cosmetic surgery but who arc, for ()no<br > ." ~ ~ecking a<br >reason ()r another, reluctant to take the stc[ of s ~ ~<br >consultation with a plastic surgeon. ,Ve realize th:~t for<br >some pc~)plc cvcn a decision ro consult with a surgeon is<br >a momcntous onc, and we know full wall the tear. in-<br > " c "s templating this typc of<br >hibiting the :~xcrag pc~. on con<br >surgcry.<br > , : r paticnt has made an .appointment with<br > I7~vcI3 at tc a<br >a plastic surgeon, his anticipation of encountering the<br >surgeon becomes magnified in his mind and his tension<br >builds with cach passing day. Fhc climax is reached<br >when the paticnt passcs through thc portals (~f the sur-<br >geon s rcccption room.<br > %ccing other people who arc sceking similar ndvicc<br >:that recommendations should relax the p~ticnt, ttow-<br >ever, at this point, hc may bc thinking only about his<br > 1 Cd ()F<br >personal reason for this visit, the hope that his -" 1<br > f.,tncicd cosmctic :fl)normallt cs can be corrected. ()nly<br > occasi()nallv does hc wonder what corrections the other<br > patients in the room arc sccking.<br >
Consultation With a Plastic Surgeon pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025