Lace Cuffs and Leather Aprons: Popular Struggles in the Federalist Era, 1783-1800 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
INTRODUCTION<br > This book tells the story of the Federalist era which<br > 1asted from the end of the Revolutionary War in 1 78 3<br > to the election of Thomas Iefferson in 1 80 aIn this<br > period the foundations of national government were laid<br >the Constitution was written and ratifiedthe Bill of<br > Rights was adoptedand a federal capital was established<br > at WashinnDC<br > The United States was then made up of a population<br > of about 4 million peoplemostly very poor and very<br > hardworkingwho lived scattered about in a vast coun<br >try that was to a 1arge extent an uncleared wilderness<br >There were no railroadsno metaled roads for carriages<br >not more than a few bridges to span the streams that<br > flowed from the western mountains to the Atlantic<br > 0ceanThe United States was a backward country<br >emerging slowly and painfully from a position of colonial<br > dependencyeven as AfricanAsianand Latin American<br > excolonies fight their way toward the sun today<br > The country was torn by deep internal problemsNot<br > a few people wondered if the American people would<br > ever succeed as an independent nationFor exampleon<br > the question of slaveryAmericans had proudly embla<br >zoned on their revolutionary banner the ideal of human<br >
Lace Cuffs and Leather Aprons: Popular Struggles in the Federalist Era, 1783-1800 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025