圖書標籤: 小說 美國 科幻 英文原版 末日 華裔作傢 女性 移民
Severance pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Candace Chen, a millennial drone self-sequestered in a Manhattan office tower, is devoted to routine. With the recent passing of her Chinese immigrant parents, she’s had her fill of uncertainty. She’s content just to carry on: She goes to work, troubleshoots the teen-targeted Gemstone Bible, watches movies in a Greenpoint basement with her boyfriend.
So Candace barely notices when a plague of biblical proportions sweeps New York. Then Shen Fever spreads. Families flee. Companies cease operations. The subways screech to a halt. Her bosses enlist her as part of a dwindling skeleton crew with a big end-date payoff. Soon entirely alone, still unfevered, she photographs the eerie, abandoned city as the anonymous blogger NY Ghost.
Candace won’t be able to make it on her own forever, though. Enter a group of survivors, led by the power-hungry IT tech Bob. They’re traveling to a place called the Facility, where, Bob promises, they will have everything they need to start society anew. But Candace is carrying a secret she knows Bob will exploit. Should she escape from her rescuers?
A send-up and takedown of the rituals, routines, and missed opportunities of contemporary life, Ling Ma’s Severance is a moving family story, a quirky coming-of-adulthood tale, and a hilarious, deadpan satire. Most important, it’s a heartfelt tribute to the connections that drive us to do more than survive.
Born in Sanming, China, Ling grew up in Utah, Nebraska, and Kansas. She holds an MFA from Cornell University, where she also taught. Currently, she serve as an assistant professor at her alma mater, University of Chicago.
讀之前對內容一無所知,剛開篇就提到瞭N95口罩,一次性手套,瘟疫,我呼吸都加速瞭。作者以SARS為原型,虛構瞭一場源起深圳叫做Shen fever的全球性瘟疫。故事主人公生活在紐約,目睹著紐約因瘟疫流行而從繁華到廢棄,想想現在的紐約簡直是疫情震中,一種不寒而栗的感覺。小說中的兩個故事,都讓我對摩西齣埃及有瞭進一步的認識,其一是“我”的父母於1988年抵達美國,因次年發生在國內的事件而決定留在美國;其二是“我”從一個被獨裁的幸存者小團體中逃齣。作者齣生在福州,幼年隨父母移民美國。作者的寫作很棒,結構好,遣詞造句好,場景構建好。我忍不住想,如果作者沒有移民美國,她現在會是一個很好的作傢嗎?前兩天,作者憑這本小說得瞭一個奬,有五萬刀奬金,18年齣版的小說似乎因為疫情再次獲得關注。由衷恭喜她!
評分末世病毒的侵襲 不如看到過於熟悉的坐標下城市衰敗崩塌心悸 果然是生活化的場景最有衝擊力 - To live in a city is to take part in and to propagate its impossible systems. To wake up. To go to work in the morning. It is also to take pleasure in those systems because, otherwise, who could repeat the same routines, year in, year out?
評分在跳躍的時間綫裏,這是一個末日故事、移民者經曆、和對現代消費主義和辦公室文化的嘲諷。末日來臨人類也似乎擺脫不掉的官僚主義;Ma 並不刻意或誇張地描述隨處可見的物質生活和消費行為幾乎定義瞭城市、和城市生活;重新審視朝九晚五的辦公生活;而更多的移民者如何遷移、到達、掙紮在這些麵目相似的城市裏。Ma的文風帶著一種冷幽默,把這三個看似並不相關的主題完美地融閤在一起。讀起來有點類似Station Eleven 的節奏, 但我個人覺得這個慢悠悠,絮絮叨叨的末日故事要恐怖多瞭。也許不僅是她描繪的末日場景,更多的是作者在這本書裏似乎有著這樣的suggestion: 患病的這些“僵屍”,和都市裏生活的麻木、重復的人們,區彆也沒有那麼大。
評分uncanny 我恨資本主義 更恨不停試圖用買東西改變現狀的我自己
評分The world is a mall. 原本以為是the story of animal laboran, 後來發現也不盡然,更像是置放在資本主義中的「人是習慣的動物」的故事。和COVID-19及SARS挺不一樣的,書中Shen-fever時期人人的恐慌倒並不明顯。「迴憶」甚至是「鄉愁/懷舊」與病毒免疫及感染有著微妙的關聯,使得這些主題在這本涉及移民題材的小說裏沒有完全落入俗套。對女性的體驗和視角有瞭更細緻的刻畫,有「為母則剛」的影子。雙敘事綫並行得乾淨利落,是輕鬆的page-turner。部分情節的設定和想象還是有些匱乏瞭。
Severance pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025