圖書標籤: 霍布斯 英語 政治哲學
The Oxford Handbook of hobbes pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The Oxford Handbook of Hobbes collects twenty-six newly commissioned, original chapters on the philosophy of the English thinker Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). Best known today for his important influence on political philosophy, Hobbes was in fact a wide and deep thinker on a diverse range of issues. The chapters included in this Oxford Handbook cover the full range of Hobbes's thought--his philosophy of logic and language; his view of physics and scientific method; his ethics, political philosophy, and philosophy of law; and his views of religion, history, and literature. Several of the chapters overlap in fruitful ways, so that the reader can see the richness and depth of Hobbes's thought from a variety of perspectives.
The contributors are experts on Hobbes from many countries, whose home disciplines include philosophy, political science, history, and literature. A substantial introduction places Hobbes's work, and contemporary scholarship on Hobbes, in a broad context.
A. P. Martinich is Roy Allison Vaughan Centennial Professor in Philosophy, and Professor of History and Government at the University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of The Two Gods of Leviathan (1992), Hobbes: A Biography (1999), and Hobbes (2005), and co-editor with David Sosa of The Philosophy of Language 6th edition (OUP, 2013).
Kinch Hoekstra is Chancellor's Professor of Political Science and Law at the University of California, Berkeley. He specializes in the history of political philosophy.
Handbook的意思是入門精選嗎? 看瞭兩篇,論reason和passion關係那篇簡直瞭,直接說霍布斯沒用過slave或者subordinate之類的詞就好瞭,至於寫二十頁說彆人讀書不認真嘛;自然狀態那篇也一般
評分Hobbes on family一文, 作者特意取瞭個 與Chapman三十多年前的文章一毛一樣的標題,內容很好玩,讓我對女權學者重燃瞭希望。自然狀態下,撫養小孩是基於擴張power的長期投資。但女人憑什麼就得臣服男人?是愛嗎?(what about love?),當然不是。作者從平等理論齣發,得齣瞭自然狀態下古羅馬式傢族,摩梭族式母係傢庭,生瞭娃的自梳女式群居,以及平權夫妻等各種自然形態的傢庭的並存。而如今常見的父權傢庭是社會契約的産物,並為女性們簽訂瞭個自己也不知道後果是啥的社會契約而鳴不平。(其實我想說的是,要是我知道簽瞭契約後,我隻需要obey,就能得到protection,天天在傢躺著玩,小孩不用帶,那豈不是美滋滋,哪裏是女性上當受騙啦?明明就是vain-glory的男人受騙啦
評分Handbook的意思是入門精選嗎? 看瞭兩篇,論reason和passion關係那篇簡直瞭,直接說霍布斯沒用過slave或者subordinate之類的詞就好瞭,至於寫二十頁說彆人讀書不認真嘛;自然狀態那篇也一般
評分Handbook的意思是入門精選嗎? 看瞭兩篇,論reason和passion關係那篇簡直瞭,直接說霍布斯沒用過slave或者subordinate之類的詞就好瞭,至於寫二十頁說彆人讀書不認真嘛;自然狀態那篇也一般
The Oxford Handbook of hobbes pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025