圖書標籤: OlgaTokarczuk 波蘭 小說 Josh
Flights pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
FLIGHTS, a novel about travel in the twenty-first century and human anatomy, is Olga Tokarczuk's most ambitious to date. It interweaves travel narratives and reflections on travel with an in-depth exploration of the human body, broaching life, death, motion, and migration. From the seventeenth century, we have the story of the Dutch anatomist Philip Verheyen, who dissected and drew pictures of his own amputated leg. From the eighteenth century, we have the story of a North African-born slave turned Austrian courtier stuffed and put on display after his death. In the nineteenth century, we follow Chopin's heart as it makes the covert journey from Paris to Warsaw. In the present we have the trials of a wife accompanying her much older husband as he teaches a course on a cruise ship in the Greek islands, and the harrowing story of a young husband whose wife and child mysteriously vanish on a holiday on a Croatian island. With her signature grace and insight, Olga Tokarczuk guides the reader beyond the surface layer of modernity and towards the core of the very nature of humankind.
奧爾加·托卡爾丘剋(Olga Tokarczuk),生於1962年。2018年諾貝爾文學奬得主。畢業於華沙大學心理係,1987年以詩集《鏡子裏的城市》登上文壇,而後接連齣版長篇小說《書中人物旅行記》《E.E.》《太古和其他的時間》《白天的房子,夜晚的房子》等,受到波蘭評論界的普遍贊揚,作品已授權四十個國傢。她善於在作品中融閤民間傳說、神話等元素,關照波蘭的曆史命運與現實生活。曾兩次獲得波蘭“尼刻奬”評審團奬,四次獲得“尼刻奬”讀者選擇奬。2018年憑藉《雲遊》(英譯名 Flights)獲布剋國際奬。
評分It doesn’t matter where I am — I’m here
阅读一部整体感很强的小说,是一件好事吗?它背后所包含的原则、中心思想、支配力甚至是一个潜在的神(作者),整合了所有的文字,人物,形成了事件动机主题思想。其中反而恰恰丧失了对人,个体的理解和解读。 在一股符号等于真实,碎片即是整体,个体回归的思潮下,后现代主义...
評分2007年托卡尔丘克完成了波兰语版的Bieguni,十年之后的2017年这本书终于被介绍到英语世界,译名是Flights。2020年中文版问世,译名《云游》。 这本书初步奠定了托卡尔丘克在世界文坛的地位。2017年英文译本出版之后,很多重要的文学评论网站都对它做出了很高的评价。这里选择了...
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