圖書標籤: 紅杉資本推薦 思維 互聯網 kitsch 英文原版 管理 技術 成長
New Power pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The definitive guide to spreading ideas, building movements, and leaping ahead in our chaotic, connected age. Get the book New York Times columnist David Brooks calls "the best window I’ve seen into this new world."
Why do some leap ahead while others fall behind in our chaotic, connected age? In New Power, Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms confront the biggest stories of our time--the rise of mega-platforms like Facebook and Uber; the out-of-nowhere victories of Obama and Trump; the unexpected emergence of movements like #MeToo--and reveal what's really behind them: the rise of "new power."
For most of human history, the rules of power were clear: power was something to be seized and then jealously guarded. This "old power" was out of reach for the vast majority of people. But our ubiquitous connectivity makes possible a different kind of power. "New power" is made by many. It is open, participatory, and peer-driven. It works like a current, not a currency--and it is most forceful when it surges. The battle between old and new power is determining who governs us, how we work, and even how we think and feel.
New Power shines fresh light on the cultural phenomena of our day, from #BlackLivesMatter to the Ice Bucket Challenge to Airbnb, uncovering the new power forces that made them huge. Drawing on examples from business, activism, and pop culture, as well as the study of organizations like Lego, NASA, Reddit, and TED, Heimans and Timms explain how to build new power and channel it successfully. They also explore the dark side of these forces: the way ISIS has co-opted new power to monstrous ends, and the rise of the alt-right's "intensity machine."
In an era increasingly shaped by new power, this groundbreaking book offers us a new way to understand the world--and our role in it.
JEREMY HEIMANS is a lifelong activist and the co-founder and CEO of Purpose, an organization that builds and supports social movements around the world.
HENRY TIMMS is president and CEO of the 92nd Street Y, a visiting fellow at Stanford, and co-founder of #GivingTuesday, an international day of philanthropy.
Value, structure n technique
評分隻有四個象限的劃分方式與定義對我來說有點意思和啓發,其他的敘述囉嗦以及故事講太多,都開始不得體瞭…… 發動廣大群眾的手段都差不多,區彆的隻是互聯網時代的方式。既然用上新技術瞭,期望人們的思維也能跟著格新一下。
評分課程要求讀物,new power model&value 還是很有啓發。
評分關鍵字:大媽們看的口水書。看一本壞書真的是既浪費時間又被誤導。所謂的new power其實就是把人類幾韆年的東西加瞭互聯網的工具而已。互聯網隻是加速而已,真的很重要嗎?譬如西班牙那個例子跟希特勒的有任何本質區彆嗎,除瞭小冊子變成瞭視頻?奧巴馬上颱的方式中國七十年前就有人玩過瞭。這樣煽動民意的所謂new power真的對人民好嗎?中國現在還在還七十年前的債,說不定還要還七十年。其它的所謂網絡上的熱門事件,如果不最後被所謂的“old power”接管,無一例外都是曇花一現,根本談不上power。本書唯一的優點就是小故事們還不錯,所以就當一本故事書看下來,瞭解一些事情。
評分時代變瞭 很多事情的觀念都得跟著變 比如現在天天跟你說晚安 每個節日都第一個問候你 也許根本不意味著一直把你放在心上 而隻是某天不知道為什麼就把你的PII 放進瞭某個撩菜腳本的配置文件裏 = =
New Power pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025