图书标签: 设计 创意 广告 方法论 廣告學 设计理论 台版 藏书
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推荐理由:美国传奇广告大师杨杰美(James Webb Young)唯一一本谈“创意”的随笔散文。他毕生关于创意的理念、思维、经验、诀窍……全部浓缩在这本书里。“旧的元素,新的组合”这句广告界的经典语录从何而来?创意如何源源不绝?二十年设计经历,十年广告生涯的我说:创意不是天才们的专利,只要专注和不断锻炼心智,你也可以取得成功。
楊傑美(James Webb Young)
楊傑美James Webb Young(1886年~1973年)
美國傳奇廣告大師、廣告創意魔島理論的集大成者。在智威湯遜廣告公司(JWT)任職達52年之久,除了本書外,另著有《廣告人日記》(The Diary of an Ad Man)、與《如何成為廣告人?》(How to Become an Advertising Man)等知名廣告學著作。1946年,獲頒「年度廣告人獎」(Advertising Man of the Year Award)和「廣告獎金牌」(Advertising Awards Gold Medal)。1974年,逝世一年後獲頒「廣告殿堂榮譽獎」(Advertising Hall of Fame)。
The sentences are pretty brief and beautiful. Someone who is a fast reader can look through it only with 2 hours. If you have more experience in producing ideas, however, you will get many inipiration. In the litttle book the master gives us a series of me...
评分The sentences are pretty brief and beautiful. Someone who is a fast reader can look through it only with 2 hours. If you have more experience in producing ideas, however, you will get many inipiration. In the litttle book the master gives us a series of me...
评分The sentences are pretty brief and beautiful. Someone who is a fast reader can look through it only with 2 hours. If you have more experience in producing ideas, however, you will get many inipiration. In the litttle book the master gives us a series of me...
评分The sentences are pretty brief and beautiful. Someone who is a fast reader can look through it only with 2 hours. If you have more experience in producing ideas, however, you will get many inipiration. In the litttle book the master gives us a series of me...
评分The sentences are pretty brief and beautiful. Someone who is a fast reader can look through it only with 2 hours. If you have more experience in producing ideas, however, you will get many inipiration. In the litttle book the master gives us a series of me...
創意,從無到有 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025