图书标签: 心理学 Blinkist 2015
The Wandering Mind pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
If we’ve done our job well—and, let’s be honest, if we're lucky—you’ll read to the end of this description. Most likely, however, you won’t. Somewhere in the middle of the next paragraph, your mind will wander off. Minds wander. That’s just how it is.
That may be bad news for me, but is it bad news for people in general? Does the fact that as much as fifty percent of our waking hours find us failing to focus on the task at hand represent a problem? Michael Corballis doesn’t think so, and with The Wandering Mind, he shows us why, rehabilitating woolgathering and revealing its incredibly useful effects. Drawing on the latest research from cognitive science and evolutionary biology, Corballis shows us how mind-wandering not only frees us from moment-to-moment drudgery, but also from the limitations of our immediate selves. Mind-wandering strengthens our imagination, fueling the flights of invention, storytelling, and empathy that underlie our shared humanity; furthermore, he explains, our tendency to wander back and forth through the timeline of our lives is fundamental to our very sense of ourselves as coherent, continuing personalities.
Full of unusual examples and surprising discoveries, The Wandering Mind mounts a vigorous defense of inattention—even as it never fails to hold the reader’s.
Michael Corballis is professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and the author of many books, including A Very Short Tour of the Mind: 21 Short Walks around the Human Brain.
在一个特别不想上班的早上,我,鬼使神差拐进了地铁口的一个书店,进门看到的第一本就是它了。翻开前,我以为“神游“跟“冥想”是一回事儿,不都是闭着眼睛放松嘛,结果看到最后笑了,原来走神也是个技术活儿。 首先说做梦。梦是激活潜意识的通道,我记得怀孕那阵做了很多荒诞...
评分神游,是自我意念里孤独的思维模式。 ——读《走神的艺术与科学》有感 人们在日常生活中习惯发呆,回忆、做梦、幻想……人与自身的独处模式停留在思维里,这种思维...
评分本文作者/张辣汤 你是否曾为注意力不集中而烦恼过吗? 是否由于自己经常性在做事情的过程中“神游”,而遭受惩罚吗? 是否怀疑过自己并非是一名聪明的学生? 是否怀疑过自己爱跑毛的毛病不可救药? .................... 我相信以上种种这些都曾困惑过你。但是不可否认...
评分灵魂能否脱离肉体所相对独立存在呢——评科尔巴里斯《走神的艺术与科学》 文/北风来袭 说实在的,《走神的艺术与科学》一书的确是剑走偏锋,研究的议题与领域独具一格,很少有人在这个题材上用这种方法进行阐述。就如书名一样,简直就是自然科学与社会科学对于走神这件事的综...
评分文/宝木笑 不知有多少朋友和笔者一样,每当回忆高中的学习生活时只能用“不堪回首”来总结。现在学生的学习压力仍然很大,但至少官方态度还搭着一块儿“减负”的遮羞布,但笔者那个时候“减负”的提法还未出现,从小学到高中,学校和老师最热衷的就是排名次,不但一个班级内部...
The Wandering Mind pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025