In the Kingdom of Ice pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024

In the Kingdom of Ice

Hampton Sides
USD 17.37

图书标签: 极地  探险  英文原版  历史  美国  传记  地理  科幻小说,极地探险,美国   

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New York Times bestselling author Hampton Sides returns with a white-knuckle tale of polar exploration and survival in the Gilded Age

In the late nineteenth century, people were obsessed by one of the last unmapped areas of the globe: the North Pole. No one knew what existed beyond the fortress of ice rimming the northern oceans, although theories abounded. The foremost cartographer in the world, a German named August Petermann, believed that warm currents sustained a verdant island at the top of the world. National glory would fall to whoever could plant his flag upon its shores.

James Gordon Bennett, the eccentric and stupendously wealthy owner of The New York Herald, had recently captured the world's attention by dispatching Stanley to Africa to find Dr. Livingstone. Now he was keen to re-create that sensation on an even more epic scale. So he funded an official U.S. naval expedition to reach the Pole, choosing as its captain a young officer named George Washington De Long, who had gained fame for a rescue operation off the coast of Greenland. De Long led a team of 32 men deep into uncharted Arctic waters, carrying the aspirations of a young country burning to become a world power. On July 8, 1879, the USS Jeannette set sail from San Francisco to cheering crowds in the grip of "Arctic Fever."

The ship sailed into uncharted seas, but soon was trapped in pack ice. Two years into the harrowing voyage, the hull was breached. Amid the rush of water and the shrieks of breaking wooden boards, the crew abandoned the ship. Less than an hour later, the Jeannette sank to the bottom,and the men found themselves marooned a thousand miles north of Siberia with only the barest supplies. Thus began their long march across the endless ice—a frozen hell in the most lonesome corner of the world. Facing everything from snow blindness and polar bears to ferocious storms and frosty labyrinths, the expedition battled madness and starvation as they desperately strove for survival.

With twists and turns worthy of a thriller, In The Kingdom of Ice is a spellbinding tale of heroism and determination in the most unforgiving territory on Earth.

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A native of Memphis, HAMPTON SIDES is editor-at-large for Outside magazine and the author of the international bestseller Ghost Soldiers, which was the basis for the 2005 Miramax film The Great Raid. Ghost Soldiers won the 2002 PEN USA Award for nonfiction and the 2002 Discover Award from Barnes & Noble, and his magazine work has been twice nominated for National Magazine Awards for feature writing. Hampton is also the author of Americana and Stomping Grounds. A graduate of Yale with a B.A. in history, he lives in New Mexico with his wife, Anne, and their three sons.


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Outstanding! Sounds like a brief account of the Evolution history of human beings: they explored, failed, suffered, strived, persisted and succeeded. Again, I felt ashamed about myself while reading this book.


"Sacrifice is nobler than ease, unselfish life is consummated in lonely death, and the world is richer by the gift of suffering." It may have been recorded as a failed expedition but was, is and will surely be always remembered as a victory of true humanity against the scariest ordeal in all its many forms.




Outstanding! Sounds like a brief account of the Evolution history of human beings: they explored, failed, suffered, strived, persisted and succeeded. Again, I felt ashamed about myself while reading this book.





自小以来就有着探险的梦想,然而这个地球能留给人探索的地方已经越来越少近乎没有了,这本书就记录了试图探索人类最后几个未知领域的北极远征。 挺喜欢的一本书,文笔生动详实,让我仿佛跟随这些勇士的步伐,开启了一场极地远征。 远征的开始,是万众瞩目人山人海的港口出征。 ...


作者以丰富的史料,清晰的叙事风格,引人入胜的写作技巧,再加上译者优美的文笔和深厚的文学底蕴,讲述了1879年一支美国探险队历时三年的北极探险故事。 经过南北战争重新统一的美国,致力于国内重建,很快进入高速发展的黄金时期。1876年,恰逢美国建国100周年,在费城举办的...  


我一开始觉得前一百页对于这次远航的准备工作、资金支持以及舆论导向交代了的过于详细,但看到最后,深觉得这种商人的唯利是图与探险员们的勇敢精神坚韧意志形成鲜明的对比。 当然,这本书除了展现了这次北极探险的种种之外,也让我们不禁思考这种探险的意义,正如书的结尾艾玛...  




劝大家看书前少看本书的书评,太多人写的时候没有克制,剧透过多,而本书绝对值得一读,用不着先看看书评再做决定。虽然这是本纪实的书,但实际上情节比小说更精彩和动人心弦,即使先知道一些结果不耽误本书的精彩程度,但阅读时的心境还是会受一点影响的。 另外千万别因为前面...  

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