Everything I Never Told You pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024

Everything I Never Told You

Celeste Ng
Penguin Press HC, The
USD 26.95

图书标签: 小说  英文原版  华裔美国人  美国  家庭教育  外国文学  英文原著  Family   

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Everything I Never Told You pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024


Lydia is dead. But they don’t know this yet . . . So begins the story of this exquisite debut novel, about a Chinese American family living in 1970s small-town Ohio. Lydia is the favorite child of Marilyn and James Lee; their middle daughter, a girl who inherited her mother’s bright blue eyes and her father’s jet-black hair. Her parents are determined that Lydia will fulfill the dreams they were unable to pursue—in Marilyn’s case that her daughter become a doctor rather than a homemaker, in James’s case that Lydia be popular at school, a girl with a busy social life and the center of every party.

When Lydia’s body is found in the local lake, the delicate balancing act that has been keeping the Lee family together tumbles into chaos, forcing them to confront the long-kept secrets that have been slowly pulling them apart. James, consumed by guilt, sets out on a reckless path that may destroy his marriage. Marilyn, devastated and vengeful, is determined to find a responsible party, no matter what the cost. Lydia’s older brother, Nathan, is certain that the neighborhood bad boy Jack is somehow involved. But it’s the youngest of the family—Hannah—who observes far more than anyone realizes and who may be the only one who knows the truth about what happened.

A profoundly moving story of family, history, and the meaning of home, Everything I Never Told You is both a gripping page-turner and a sensitive family portrait, exploring the divisions between cultures and the rifts within a family, and uncovering the ways in which mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, and husbands and wives struggle, all their lives, to understand one another.

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Celeste Ng grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Shaker Heights, Ohio, in a family of scientists. She attended Harvard University and earned an MFA from the University of Michigan (now the Helen Zell Writers’ Program at the University of Michigan), where she won the Hopwood Award. Her fiction and essays have appeared in One Story, TriQuarterly, Bellevue Literary Review, the Kenyon Review Online, and elsewhere, and she is the recipient of the Pushcart Prize. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with her husband and son.


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2014亚马逊editor's pick读后感:世上笨鸟有三种,一种是先飞的,一种是嫌累不飞的。问:那第三种呢? 答:这种最讨厌,自己飞不起來,就在窝里下个蛋,要下一代使劲飞!"


"You loved so hard and hoped so much and then you ended up with nothing." -- "Everything I never told you" is definitely a good book. It successfully made me feel really angry and heartbroken while I was reading. I cannot describe too much, it is absolutely worth reading. The author, Celeste Ng is an American Chinese.


"You loved so hard and hoped so much and then you ended up with nothing." -- "Everything I never told you" is definitely a good book. It successfully made me feel really angry and heartbroken while I was reading. I cannot describe too much, it is absolutely worth reading. The author, Celeste Ng is an American Chinese.













本书的英文名《那些我从未告诉你的事》,就是这本书的概括。那些事,是近在咫尺的亲人也未必了然于心的,甚至,仍然充满了误解。透过这个少数族群的题材,作者所写的乃是人类共同的处境。人的沟通是可能的吗?如果不能,那就让作家让这一切实现,于是就有了这本《无声告白》。 ...  


莉迪亚死了,被淹死了,在她对自己许下新的承诺,决定重新开始之后。她原以为自己已经克服了一直以来存在于内心的各种恐惧,包括自己不会游泳这一项,所以她跳下木舟,准备横渡湖心,打破旧的,迎来新的。 可她不会游泳,所以她沉在了湖底,开始了无声告白这个故...  

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