图书标签: 传记 SusanSontag 書中書 Sontag 见解 八卦 伍尔夫 人
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“One of my oldest crusades is against the distinction between thought and feeling, which is really the basis of all anti-intellectual views: the heart and the head, thinking and feeling, fantasy and judgment . . . and I don’t believe it’s true. . . . I have the impression that thinking is a form of feeling and that feeling is a form of thinking.”
Susan Sontag, one of the most internationally renowned and controversial intellectuals of the latter half of the twentieth century, still provokes. In 1978 Jonathan Cott, a founding contributing editor of Rolling Stone magazine, interviewed Sontag first in Paris and later in New York. Only a third of their twelve hours of discussion ever made it to print. Now, more than three decades later, Yale University Press is proud to publish the entire transcript of Sontag’s remarkable conversation, accompanied by Cott’s preface and recollections.
Sontag’s musings and observations reveal the passionate engagement and breadth of her critical intelligence and curiosities at a moment when she was at the peak of her powers. Nearly a decade after her death, these hours of conversation offer a revelatory and indispensable look at the self-described "besotted aesthete" and "obsessed moralist."
“I really believe in history, and that’s something people don’t believe in anymore. I know that what we do and think is a historical creation. . . .We were given a vocabulary that came into existence at a particular moment. So when I go to a Patti Smith concert, I enjoy, participate, appreciate, and am tuned in better because I’ve read Nietzsche.”
“There’s no incompatibility between observing the world and being tuned into this electronic, multimedia, multi-tracked, McLuhanite world and enjoying what can be enjoyed. I love rock and roll. Rock and roll changed my life. . . .You know, to tell you the truth, I think rock and roll is the reason I got divorced. I think it was Bill Haley and the Comets and Chuck Berry that made me decide that I had to get a divorce and leave the academic world and start a new life.”
Jonathan Cott is the author of numerous books, including most recently Days That I'll Remember: Spending Time with John Lennon and Yoko Ono. He lives in New York City. Susan Sontag gained immediate prominence with the publication of her first book of essays, Against Interpretation, in 1966. She went on to write many more books, including On Photography and Illness as Metaphor which were translated into more than two dozen languages. She died in December, 2004.
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评分木心所说的溯源 她也提起 觉得自己和她的想法等等太相似了
评分不厚的一本小书 刚刚读完 喜欢Sontag的用词 简单又击中要害
评分木心所说的溯源 她也提起 觉得自己和她的想法等等太相似了
虽说人生不如意之事十有八九,但值得庆幸的,每个人还是可以选择自己的活法的。事实上,人类社会到了今天,社会福利制度的日趋完善,生存本身的难度几乎可以忽略不计。于是生存与生活的天平开始向后者倾斜——这是件幸事,尽管也让更多的人徒增烦恼。 美国诗人弗罗斯特在那...
评分封面的桑塔格像一位地地道道的上世纪六十年代摇滚巨星,和书里提到的Doors乐队的Jim Morrison或是Patti Smith相比,风度旗鼓相当。访谈如解密,书里清清楚楚地展示了这位好战的唯美主义者的作品和人生轮廓,也成为我们获知为何她能够涉猎广泛且直入人心的秘密。 《关于“坎普...
评分受益匪浅 极大地提高了自我认同 1. 我一直坚持的“男女平权”其实是无性别主义。每次别人跟我强调男生怎么样女生怎么样都会被我理直气壮地怼上一句“在我眼里没有男生女生,只有每个人。”之前一直以为是男女平权,现在看来其实是无性别主义。包括书里提到的我们认知里的性别是...
评分去读一本一个完全不了解、不认识的人的访谈录,是件挺奇怪的事。她是谁?她在哪里?她做过什么?她有过哪些成绩?这些都像迷团扑面而来。但这丝毫不影响阅读这本书的兴趣,也不妨碍阅读带来的快乐。 通读完全书,我终于对她有了一些了解,这些了解像一幅朦胧画,远看有影像,...
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