图书标签: 英文原版 科学 复杂系统 哲学 自然科学 科普 权力分析 从混沌到有序
Order Out of Chaos pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Order Out of Chaos is a sweeping critique of the discordant landscape of modern scientific knowledge. In this landmark book, Nobel Laureate Ilya Prigogine and acclaimed philosopher Isabelle Stengers offer an exciting and accessible account of the philosophical implications of thermodynamics. Prigogine and Stengers bring contradictory philosophies of time and chance into a novel and ambitious synthesis. Since its first publication in France in 1978, this book has sparked debate among physicists, philosophers, literary critics and historians.
Isabelle Stengers is a professor of philosophy at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles. Trained as a chemist and philosopher, her publications include Cosmopolitics, a comprehensive reconsideration of the entire history of modern science from Galileo to contemporary complexity theory. She received the grand prize for philosophy from the Academie Francaise in 1993.
Viscount Ilya Romanovich Prigogine was a Belgian physical chemist noted for his work on dissipative structures, complex systems and irreversibility. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1977.
此书属于那种不容易读的书,内容牵扯到许多专业知识,不过,有高中时代的物理,化学基础,再加上百度查询,基本上可以读懂,明白作者想说什么,想证明什么事情。 正如书中反复强调的,自然的系统是由不确定性和秩序组成的,在自然界中存在着一些完全可以用经典力学或量子力学定...
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评分《蝴蝶效应之谜:走近分形与混沌》http://book.douban.com/subject/24844888/ 有一首翻译的英文诗:“钉子缺,蹄铁卸;蹄铁卸,战马蹶;战马蹶,骑士绝;骑士绝,战事折;战事折,国家灭。” 苏轼诗:“斫得龙光竹两竿,持归岭北万人看。竹中一滴曹溪水,涨起西江十八滩...
评分难得普里戈金当时如此受到我国人民的热捧,他的观点在学界还是算另类的。 其实所有的人类活动都无意识地掺杂进了意识形态。从最早牛顿试图用清晰简洁的数学公式解释万物之理,发展到上世纪对量子力学所展现的各种奇异状况持“闭嘴,只管计算!”态度的哥本哈根学派,到如今学界...
Order Out of Chaos pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025