图书标签: 哲学 社會學 社会学 心理學 Fromm, 心理学 佛洛姆, 英语
To Have or to Be? pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024
To Have or To Be? is one of the seminal books of the second half of the 20th century. Nothing less than a manifesto for a new social and psychological revolution to save our threatened planet, this book is a summary of the penetrating thought of Erich Fromm. His thesis is that two mode of existence struggle for the spirit of humankind: the having mode, which concentrates on material possessions, power, and aggression, and is the basis of the universal evils of greed, envy, and violence; and the being mode, which is based on love, the pleasure of sharing, and in productive activity. To Have or to Be? is a brilliant program for socioeconomic change.
Born in Frankfurt-am-Main, Erich Fromm(1900-1980) studied sociology and psychoanalysis. In 1933, he emigrated as a member of the Frankfurt School of social thinkers to the United States, moved to Mexico in 1950, and spent his twilight years between 1974 and 1980 in Switzerland. His books Escape from Freedom (1941) and The Art of Loving (1956) made him famous. Other well-known books are Marx's Concept of Man, Beyond the Chains of Illusion, and The Essential Fromm.
基本就是一本心理学版的早了二十年出版的《A New Earth》巧合的是书中不时引用Eckhart的话语,当然此Eckhart不是Eckhart Tolle,但二书内容及方向都相当近似。Having mode和being mode的二分法虽然有点粗糙,但为达到普及目的,这又确实是最简单直接的方式。Fromm改造社会的建议虽然有点异想天开,但只要方向正确,实际方法留待我们这些后人去想也未尝不可。不过,始终相信真正的社会变革,从来都只能由下而上,由个人心灵转化开始,别无他法,所以Fromm提出的那些社会变革,就算真的可以实行,只要人心不变,其效果必定微小。Fromm亦提到法国和俄罗斯的大革命就是最好证明,推翻一个暴君换来的亦只是一个新的暴君。
评分问题根源已深 从我做起 身体力行
评分the manifesto may seems too simple too naive, but raising the awareness of being mode could eventually lead us to a better place.
评分问题根源已深 从我做起 身体力行
评分问题根源已深 从我做起 身体力行
评分我在加拿大工作时,有一年跟北美区的老板做年终考评Annual Appraisal,他跟我说,当你老死之时,没有人会因为你曾做过CEO而记住你。他的意思大概是,不要把全部精力全放在工作上,家庭同样重要。在年终考评时老板对下属如此教导,从国内公司文化角度可能较难理解,但在北美企业...
评分我在加拿大工作时,有一年跟北美区的老板做年终考评Annual Appraisal,他跟我说,当你老死之时,没有人会因为你曾做过CEO而记住你。他的意思大概是,不要把全部精力全放在工作上,家庭同样重要。在年终考评时老板对下属如此教导,从国内公司文化角度可能较难理解,但在北美企业...
评分 评分[2019年第9本书] 或许过去的我一直将“存在”与“占有”划上等号,即我的存在需要通过不断地占有外物来证明。然而,从表面上看我似乎什么都有,实际上我什么也没有,因为我对客体的拥有、占有和支配在生活过程中不过是昙花一现罢了。那种受物欲支配的渴望不断地压迫着我,无...
To Have or to Be? pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024