圖書標籤: 女性主義 女性 海外中國研究 中國 性別 曆史 社會學 社會史
The Birth of Chinese Feminism pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
He-Yin Zhen (ca. 1884-1920?) was a theorist who figured centrally in the birth of Chinese feminism. Unlike her contemporaries, she was concerned less with China's fate as a nation and more with the relationship among patriarchy, imperialism, capitalism, and gender subjugation as global historical problems. This volume, the first translation and study of He-Yin's work in English, critically reconstructs early twentieth-century Chinese feminist thought in a transnational context by juxtaposing He-Yin Zhen's writing against works by two better-known male interlocutors of her time.
The editors begin with a detailed analysis of He-Yin Zhen's life and thought. They then present annotated translations of six of her major essays, as well as two foundational tracts by her male contemporaries, Jin Tianhe (1874-1947) and Liang Qichao (1873–1929), to which He-Yin's work responds and with which it engages. Jin, a poet and educator, and Liang, a philosopher and journalist, understood feminism as a paternalistic cause that liberals like themselves should defend. He-Yin presents an alternative conception that draws upon anarchism and other radical trends. Ahead of her time, He-Yin Zhen complicates conventional accounts of feminism and China's history, offering original perspectives on sex, gender, labor, and power that remain relevant today.
真心不明白這三位怎麼能寫齣這麼anti-historical且無邏輯的序…… 何震先生本人確實值得親近,但讀本書的翻譯應該不會是好方法。
評分我覺得何殷震很酷的一點在於她是個無政府主義者,拒絕一切權力製度——她拒絕西方話語體係下的自由主義精英女權,拒絕以國傢救亡圖存為目的的民族主義女權,拒絕資本主義現代化進程中僞善的“女性自主權”(即自由變成瞭販賣身體的自由),而是號召一場政治、經濟、種族、性彆同時進行的、同時反帝反封建反民族國傢反資本主義的徹底革命,要求真正的社會平等。她所提倡的女權不是“爭與男平”,而是“退與女平“,換言之女權鬥爭並不是為瞭追求讓女性擁有與男性相同的特權,而是為瞭讓男性再無壓迫女性的特權。用她自己的話來說,“故今日之女子,與其對男子爭權 ,不若盡覆人治 ,迫男子盡去其特權 ,退與女平 ,使世界無受製之女 ,亦無受製之男。夫是之為解放女子。夫是之為根本改革。”
評分三嘆息=sighed three times in regret? 三,多也。譯者古漢語功夫不紮實。。。
評分1. 何震的女權思想將共産主義融入女子解放,呼喚一個全麵的、實質的社會革命,而非僅滿足於西方所盛行的男女形式上平等;2. 何震女權思想的激進處,在與梁啓超與金天翮的對照下容易彰顯,後兩者的女權主張由富國強兵理想驅使,多少帶些油膩膩的直男色彩; 3. 對何震的研究可能仍處於初期,颱灣的劉人鵬、大陸的一些學者也在做這個,所以,即便書中分析無法令人信服,相信還是有深挖和改進的空間。
The Birth of Chinese Feminism pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024