图书标签: Medieval Boethius
The Consolation of Philosophy pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Boethius composed De Consolation Philosophiae in the sixth century A.D. while awaiting death by torture, condemned on a charge of plotting against Gothic rule, which he protested as manifestly unjust. Though a Christian, Boethius details the true end of life as the soul's knowledge of God, and
consoles himself with the tenets of Greek philosophy, not with Christian precepts. Written in a form called Meippean Satire that alternates between prose and verse, Boethius' work often consists of a story told by Ovid or Horace to illustrate the philosophy being expounded. The Consolation of
Philosophy dominated the intellectual world of the Middle Ages; it inspired writers as diverse Thomas Aquinas, Jean de Meun, and Dante. In England it was rendered into Old English by Alfred the Great, into Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer, and later Queen Elizabeth I made her own translation.
The circumstances of composition, the heroic demeanor of the author, and the Meippean texture of part prose, part verse have been a fascination for students of philosophy, literature, and religion ever since.
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一自身 1人的欲望不断催生着,它们规定着我们的欲望。我们该明白命运不在我们的掌控中,如果一个人可以好好看看历史的故事,发现人们能够掌控的便是好好感谢命运赐予自己的东西,并发挥最大的努力,而很多的悲剧,或英雄事迹,或等等,便是人的理性幻想想要超出被命运罩住的人...
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评分The Consolation of Philosophy pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025