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AngularJS pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Develop smaller, lighter web apps that are simple to create and easy to test, extend, and maintain as they grow. This hands-on guide introduces you to AngularJS, the open source JavaScript framework that uses Model - view - controller (MVC) architecture, data binding, client-side templates, and dependency injection to create a much-needed structure for building web apps. Guided by two engineers who worked on AngularJS at Google, you'll walk through the framework's key features, and then build a working AngularJS app - from layout to testing, compiling, and debugging. You'll learn how AngularJS helps reduce the complexity of your web app. Dive deep into Angular's building blocks and learn how they work together Gain maximum flexibility by separating logic, data, and presentation responsibilities with MVC Assemble your full app in the browser, using client-side templates Use AngularJS directives to extend HTML with declarative syntax Communicate with the server and implement simple caching with the $http service Use dependency injection to improve refactoring, testability, and multiple environment design Get code samples for common problems you face in most web apps
Brad Green是Google公司AngularJS项目的技术经理。他同时还直接负责可访问性和技术支持方面的工作。
Shyam Seshadri是Fundoo Solutions公司的老板兼CEO,同时经营AngularJS商店,并且致力于为印度市场提供创造性和有趣的产品。
看完 AngularJS 在 YouTube 上的一列视频……大赞。
评分This book is essential for AngularJS newbie. It's written by the author of the framework, so actually you can have a higher view concerning the API design, more importantly the native point of view of the AngularJS world.
评分This book is essential for AngularJS newbie. It's written by the author of the framework, so actually you can have a higher view concerning the API design, more importantly the native point of view of the AngularJS world.
更好更方便的前后端的分离开发,维护成本的减少,开发效率的提高,更加值得我们学习研究。性价比很高,国外要好几百大洋, 国内才几十块钱,关键是大漠翻译的通俗易懂,很好的学习材料。o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ O(∩_∩)O哈哈~
评分Angular 官方网站上的入门很多,API也很全,但是就是看不明白 Angular的全貌。同样的事情在不同教程里用不同的方法实现,让人感觉又神器又难以捉摸。而本书最出色的地方正是扫清这些迷雾:它不再急于让读者立刻构建出一个有用的App,而是对每一步操作介绍不同的实现方法,以及...
评分久闻大名的书,读完之后并没有预想的那种感觉。也许是因为书中的很多观点处处通用,即使你没有写过前端, 也会从其他语言的普遍做法中见识到。相对来说,The definitive guide,非常有可读性,两相对比之下不免让人感觉没那么棒。 但这绝对是一本很奇特的书,两个地方: 1. 印象...
评分Develop smaller, lighter web apps that are simple to create and easy to test, extend, and maintain as they grow. This hands-on guide introduces you to AngularJS, the open source JavaScript framework that uses Model - view - controller (MVC) architecture, da...
评分从本书的厚度和定位来看也知道不会有太多的深入剖析,特别是directive要用好不容易,可惜篇幅太短意犹未尽。 对AngularJS毫无经验的初学者不太推荐这本书,可以先从官方的文档入手,这里有图灵社区翻译的中文版http://www.ituring.com.cn/minibook/303 了解AngularJS是什么,...
AngularJS pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025